Day : 5
NSH - 4
DAL - 2
MIL - 5
CHI - 2
WBS - 3
POR - 6
(2-0-0) - W2
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(1-1-0) - W1
(1-1-0) - L1
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-2-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
Day : 6
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(0-2-0) - L1
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-2-0) - L2
(1-1-0) - W1
(1-1-0) - L1
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-2-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
Day : 5
NSH - 4
DAL - 2
MIL - 5
CHI - 2
WBS - 3
POR - 6
Magic Scroll™ trial version

Joliette Sportif vs Bridgeport Sound Tigers

Created - 31 octobre 2024 at 07:18

1 2 3 OT1 T
Joliette Sportif 0 2 1 1 4
Bridgeport Sound Tigers 0 2 1 0 3
1 2 3 OT1 T
Joliette Sportif 8 6 13 2 29
Bridgeport Sound Tigers 7 8 9 1 25

1st period
No Goal
Filip Ahl (BRI) for Goalie Interference (Minor) at 5:17
Ty Smith (JOL) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 10:57
Yevgeni Svechnikov (JOL) for Goalie Interference (Minor) at 18:08
2nd period
1. Bridgeport Sound Tigers , Matthew Phillips 7 (James Van Riemsdyk 6, Ryan Collins 2) at 0:18
2. Joliette Sportif , Jacob Olofsson 9 (Filip Hallander 8, Dennis Gilbert 6) at 1:44 (PP)
3. Bridgeport Sound Tigers , Brett Seney 2 (Matthew Phillips 7) at 8:21 (PP)
4. Joliette Sportif , Filip Hallander 4 (Jacob Olofsson 7) at 14:22
Simon Bourque (BRI) for Hooking (Minor) at 0:52
Leon Gawanke (JOL) for High sticking (Minor) at 7:05
Daniel Torgersson (JOL) for Roughing (Minor) at 8:31
Yevgeni Svechnikov (JOL) for Interference (Minor) at 18:49
3rd period
5. Joliette Sportif , J.T. Compher 4 (Yevgeni Svechnikov 11, Ty Smith 7) at 4:34
6. Bridgeport Sound Tigers , James Van Riemsdyk 8 (Filip Ahl 12, Andrei Altybarmakyan 10) at 11:04
Rihards Bukarts (JOL) for Diving (Minor) at 5:04
Jason Fram (JOL) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:43
Overtime #1
7. Joliette Sportif , Rihards Bukarts 9 (Dennis Gilbert 7) at 1:09 (SH)
No Penalty
Goalie Stats
Callum Booth (JOL), 22 saves from 25 shots - (0,880), W, 3-3-1, 61:09 minutes
Justus Annunen (BRI), 25 saves from 29 shots - (0,862), OTL, 6-11-4, 61:09 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - James Van Riemsdyk (BRI)
2 - Dennis Gilbert (JOL)
3 - J.T. Compher (JOL)
Referees : Dan O'Rourke and Brandon Blandina
Linesman : Jonathan Deschamps and Vaughan Rody
Game Note
No Game Note
Level 1 -- Attendance: 2000 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $100,000
Level 2 -- Attendance: 1000 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income $25,000
Total Attendance: 3000 (100,00%)
Total Ticket Income: $125,000
Total Income: $125,000

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Joliette Sportif 429581314261 / 2 (50%)150%
Bridgeport Sound Tigers 3254894291 / 7 (14%)150%

Joliette Sportif
Player Name
Alan QuineC/LW/RW0000003012:570:0000:390100% 211
Chris KreiderLW/RW0000020018:570:0000:0000% 010
Daniel TorgerssonLW/RW0000212010:050:0000:000100% 100
Dennis GilbertD0221041227:451:5808:3900% 012
Filip HallanderC/LW112-1024122:471:1408:42350% 2021
J.T. CompherC/LW1011031014:301:3700:0000% 010
Jacob OlofssonC1120003016:171:1412:45045% 1100
Jason FramD000-2210128:471:5807:3500% 002
Leon GawankeD0000204017:380:5313:1400% 001
Michal GutC000000000:350:0000:0000% 000
Nick MerkleyC/RW0001001014:071:1400:00033% 1220
Niklas HanssonD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Rihards BukartsLW/RW1011212014:551:3703:15250% 211
Ronan SeeleyD0000002215:020:0000:0000% 003
Ryder RolstonC/LW/RW000002009:540:0000:00050% 200
Simon KubicekD0000031317:420:0002:4000% 000
Trevor CoxC/LW000-1041020:561:3708:42063% 820
Ty SmithD0113220415:440:5303:0400% 000
Yevgeni SvechnikovLW/RW0110414013:150:0000:0000% 040
Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Player Name
Adam AlmqvistD0000014213:450:0000:0000% 000
Andrei AltybarmakyanRW0111010014:440:0500:0000% 001
Brett SeneyC/LW1010033023:206:3120:25067% 1220
Chase De LeoC000-1000014:090:0000:0000% 210
Christoph BertschyC/LW/RW000-1021011:220:0000:00040% 510
Colton WhiteD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Dmytro TimashovLW/RW000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Eric CornelC/LW/RW000-1020023:074:5101:15043% 721
Filip AhlLW/RW0111223016:320:0000:000100% 130
James Van RiemsdykLW1122025021:216:3120:00038% 1310
Johnathan MacLeodD000-1060224:494:2902:5100% 003
Jonathan DahlenC/LW000-2013122:244:5601:11053% 1540
Matthew BradleyC000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Matthew PhillipsC/RW112-1013022:046:3120:300100% 120
Ryan CollinsD0111040124:256:5802:5100% 003
Simon BourqueD000-1212226:056:5810:0000% 001
Vili SaarijärviD0000000019:154:2900:0000% 001
Yegor KorshkovRW0000031123:124:5602:21050% 211

Joliette Sportif

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Chris KreiderTrevor CoxRihards Bukarts1222523%10:37
2Yevgeni SvechnikovNick MerkleyJ.T. Compher1222529%13:19
3Alan QuineJacob OlofssonFilip Hallander1222526%11:52
4Daniel TorgerssonRyder RolstonChris Kreider1222522%9:54
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertTy Smith1222526%11:47
2Leon GawankeJason Fram1222530%13:32
3Ronan SeeleySimon Kubicek1222533%15:02
4Dennis GilbertJason Fram1222512%5:21
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1J.T. CompherTrevor CoxRihards Bukarts1226057%1:37
2Filip HallanderJacob OlofssonNick Merkley1224043%1:14
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertJason Fram1226069%1:58
2Leon GawankeTy Smith1224031%0:53
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Filip HallanderTrevor Cox1226076%8:42
2Rihards BukartsJacob Olofsson1224024%2:45
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertJason Fram1226066%7:35
2Leon GawankeTy Smith1224034%3:52
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rihards Bukarts12260100%1:09 Dennis GilbertJason Fram1226093%1:04
2Trevor Cox122400%0:00 Leon GawankeTy Smith122407%0:05
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jacob OlofssonTrevor Cox122600%0:00
2Rihards BukartsChris Kreider122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertJason Fram122600%0:00
2Leon GawankeTy Smith122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Jacob OlofssonTrevor CoxRihards BukartsDennis GilbertJason Fram
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Jacob OlofssonTrevor CoxRihards BukartsDennis GilbertJason Fram
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
61:09 61:09 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Michal Gut, J.T. Compher, Alan QuineMichal Gut, J.T. CompherAlan Quine
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek, Leon GawankeRonan Seeley, Simon KubicekLeon Gawanke
Penalty Shots
Chris Kreider, Trevor Cox, Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander
Callum Booth, Kevin Lankinen
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Chris Kreider, Trevor Cox, Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley, Alan Quine, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Ryder Rolston
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram, Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith, Ronan Seeley
Jakob Ragnarsson (Healthy), Kody Clark (Healthy)

Bridgeport Sound Tigers

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Eric CornelChristoph BertschyBrett Seney0232526%11:41
2Matthew PhillipsJonathan DahlenChase De Leo0232532%14:31
3Filip AhlJames Van RiemsdykAndrei Altybarmakyan0232532%14:39
4Brett SeneyEric CornelYegor Korshkov1222511%4:51
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Johnathan MacLeodSimon Bourque0232520%9:20
2Ryan CollinsAdam Almqvist1222532%14:46
3Vili SaarijärviYegor Korshkov1222528%12:49
4Simon BourqueJohnathan MacLeod1222519%8:47
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Matthew PhillipsBrett SeneyJames Van Riemsdyk0056057%6:31
2Yegor KorshkovEric CornelJonathan Dahlen0054043%4:56
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Ryan CollinsSimon Bourque0056061%6:58
2Vili SaarijärviJohnathan MacLeod0054039%4:29
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Yegor KorshkovEric Cornel1226082%2:21
2Jonathan DahlenMatthew Phillips1224018%0:30
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Johnathan MacLeodRyan Collins12260100%2:51
2Simon BourqueVili Saarijärvi122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jonathan Dahlen122600%0:00 Vili SaarijärviRyan Collins122600%0:00
2Matthew Phillips122400%0:00 Johnathan MacLeodSimon Bourque122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jonathan DahlenMatthew Phillips12260100%1:09
2Yegor KorshkovEric Cornel122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Simon BourqueJohnathan MacLeod12260100%60% - 1:09
2Ryan CollinsVili Saarijärvi122400%40% - 0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Jonathan DahlenJames Van RiemsdykMatthew PhillipsAdam AlmqvistJohnathan MacLeod
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Jonathan DahlenJames Van RiemsdykMatthew PhillipsAdam AlmqvistJohnathan MacLeod
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
61:09 61:09 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Filip Ahl, Chase De Leo, Brett SeneyEric Cornel, Andrei AltybarmakyanYegor Korshkov
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Simon Bourque, Ryan Collins, Johnathan MacLeodJohnathan MacLeod, Ryan CollinsJohnathan MacLeod
Penalty Shots
Filip Ahl, Chase De Leo, Brett Seney, Andrei Altybarmakyan, Matthew Phillips
Justus Annunen, Jonas Johansson
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Chase De Leo, Filip Ahl, Brett Seney, Andrei Altybarmakyan, James Van Riemsdyk, Matthew Phillips, Jonathan Dahlen, Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Adam Almqvist, Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque, Ryan Collins
Cameron Gaunce (Healthy), Shane Wright (Groin Injury)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone.
0:22 of 1st period - Snap shot by Chris Kreider.
0:22 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Simon Bourque.
0:28 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts.
0:28 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:30 of 1st period - Snap shot by Dennis Gilbert.
0:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
1:08 of 1st period - Wrist shot by J.T. Compher.
1:08 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:10 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
1:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:12 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
1:12 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
1:25 of 1st period - Simon Bourque is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov and loses puck.
1:38 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Jacob Olofsson.
1:38 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
1:39 of 1st period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
2:09 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Filip Ahl.
2:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
2:54 of 1st period - Off-side.
2:55 of 1st period - Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
4:04 of 1st period - Rihards Bukarts is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck.
4:15 of 1st period - Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck.
4:41 of 1st period - Ryan Collins is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck.
4:56 of 1st period - Snap shot by Alan Quine.
4:56 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:58 of 1st period - Snap shot by Simon Kubicek.
4:58 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Ryan Collins.
5:17 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Filip Ahl for Goalie Interference.
5:18 of 1st period - Yegor Korshkov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
5:18 of 1st period - Yegor Korshkov is hit by Trevor Cox.
5:33 of 1st period - Ryan Collins is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck.
6:26 of 1st period - Slapshot by Jacob Olofsson.
6:26 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:28 of 1st period - Snap shot by Leon Gawanke.
6:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
6:42 of 1st period - Yegor Korshkov is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
7:11 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson.
7:11 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Johnathan MacLeod.
7:13 of 1st period - Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert.
7:13 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:17 of 1st period - Penalty to Filip Ahl is over, Filip Ahl is back on ice.
7:53 of 1st period - Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Dennis Gilbert.
7:56 of 1st period - Off-side.
7:57 of 1st period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
8:20 of 1st period - Icing by Ronan Seeley.
8:21 of 1st period - James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:25 of 1st period - Slapshot by Adam Almqvist.
8:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
8:27 of 1st period - Slapshot by Adam Almqvist.
8:27 of 1st period - Deflect By J.T. Compher.
8:27 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
8:28 of 1st period - Filip Ahl wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:41 of 1st period - James Van Riemsdyk is hit by Chris Kreider.
9:42 of 1st period - Eric Cornel is hit by Filip Hallander and loses puck.
10:41 of 1st period - Slapshot by Daniel Torgersson.
10:41 of 1st period - Deflect By Ryder Rolston.
10:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:41 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
10:42 of 1st period - Daniel Torgersson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
10:57 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Delaying the game.
10:58 of 1st period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
11:01 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brett Seney.
11:01 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:03 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Matthew Phillips.
11:03 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
11:04 of 1st period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone.
11:04 of 1st period - Filip Hallander is hit by James Van Riemsdyk.
11:22 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Filip Hallander.
11:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
11:30 of 1st period - Snap shot by Filip Hallander.
11:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
11:31 of 1st period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
12:35 of 1st period - Dennis Gilbert is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck.
12:57 of 1st period - Penalty to Ty Smith is over, Ty Smith is back on ice.
12:59 of 1st period - Jason Fram is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck.
13:51 of 1st period - Ronan Seeley is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck.
14:49 of 1st period - Alan Quine is hit by Eric Cornel.
15:01 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
15:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
15:02 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
15:29 of 1st period - Andrei Altybarmakyan is hit by Daniel Torgersson and loses puck.
15:54 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
15:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
15:55 of 1st period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone.
17:04 of 1st period - Slapshot by Alan Quine.
17:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
17:05 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
17:43 of 1st period - Leon Gawanke is hit by Christoph Bertschy and loses puck.
18:01 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
18:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
18:02 of 1st period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:05 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
18:05 of 1st period - Deflect By Chase De Leo.
18:05 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Ronan Seeley.
18:05 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
18:06 of 1st period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:08 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov for Goalie Interference.
18:09 of 1st period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:11 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Matthew Phillips.
18:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
18:12 of 1st period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Joliette Sportif vs 0 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.
Shots for this period are 8 for Joliette Sportif vs 7 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in neutral zone.
0:08 of 2nd period - Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov is over, Yevgeni Svechnikov is back on ice.
0:10 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by James Van Riemsdyk.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Dennis Gilbert.
0:18 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Matthew Phillips.
0:18 of 2nd period - Goal by Matthew Phillips - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 1.
0:19 of 2nd period - Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone.
0:33 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Yegor Korshkov.
0:33 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
0:34 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone.
0:34 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox is hit by Johnathan MacLeod.
0:52 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Simon Bourque for Hooking.
0:53 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Yegor Korshkov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
1:37 of 2nd period - Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Filip Hallander and loses puck.
1:44 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jacob Olofsson.
1:44 of 2nd period - Goal by Jacob Olofsson - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 1.
1:45 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Chase De Leo in neutral zone.
1:50 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
1:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
1:51 of 2nd period - Matthew Phillips wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
2:44 of 2nd period - Ryan Collins is hit by Trevor Cox.
3:17 of 2nd period - Andrei Altybarmakyan is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck.
3:41 of 2nd period - J.T. Compher is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck.
3:58 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Brett Seney.
3:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
3:59 of 2nd period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
4:08 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Chase De Leo.
4:08 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Ty Smith.
4:10 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Adam Almqvist.
4:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
4:12 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Chase De Leo.
4:12 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Ty Smith.
4:14 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Matthew Phillips.
4:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:16 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
4:16 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:42 of 2nd period - Ty Smith is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck.
4:57 of 2nd period - Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Ty Smith.
6:37 of 2nd period - Icing by Leon Gawanke.
6:38 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone.
7:05 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Leon Gawanke for High sticking.
7:06 of 2nd period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
7:11 of 2nd period - Slapshot by James Van Riemsdyk.
7:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
7:13 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brett Seney.
7:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
7:45 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck.
8:21 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Brett Seney.
8:21 of 2nd period - Goal by Brett Seney - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2.
8:22 of 2nd period - Ryder Rolston wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone.
8:31 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Daniel Torgersson for Roughing.
8:32 of 2nd period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:47 of 2nd period - Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk.
8:47 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:49 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Simon Bourque.
8:49 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
8:50 of 2nd period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
9:23 of 2nd period - Jason Fram is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck.
9:50 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Eric Cornel.
9:50 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:25 of 2nd period - Yegor Korshkov is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck.
10:31 of 2nd period - Penalty to Daniel Torgersson is over, Daniel Torgersson is back on ice.
10:36 of 2nd period - Ty Smith is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck.
10:49 of 2nd period - J.T. Compher is hit by Andrei Altybarmakyan.
10:57 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Andrei Altybarmakyan.
10:57 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek.
11:31 of 2nd period - Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Ryder Rolston.
11:41 of 2nd period - Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Chris Kreider and loses puck.
11:56 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Daniel Torgersson.
11:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
11:57 of 2nd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
12:30 of 2nd period - Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Rihards Bukarts and loses puck.
14:22 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Filip Hallander.
14:22 of 2nd period - Goal by Filip Hallander - Joliette Sportif : 2 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2.
14:23 of 2nd period - James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
14:33 of 2nd period - Yevgeni Svechnikov is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck.
14:42 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
14:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
14:44 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Ronan Seeley.
14:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:46 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Simon Kubicek.
14:46 of 2nd period - Deflect By Johnathan MacLeod.
14:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
14:48 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Simon Kubicek.
14:48 of 2nd period - Deflect By J.T. Compher.
14:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:48 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
14:49 of 2nd period - Christoph Bertschy wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
15:38 of 2nd period - Ronan Seeley is hit by Matthew Phillips and loses puck.
16:32 of 2nd period - Christoph Bertschy is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck.
18:00 of 2nd period - Ty Smith is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck.
18:22 of 2nd period - Dennis Gilbert is hit by Johnathan MacLeod.
18:49 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov for Interference.
18:50 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:53 of 2nd period - Off-side.
18:54 of 2nd period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in neutral zone.
19:23 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Filip Hallander.
19:23 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 2 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.
Shots for this period are 6 for Joliette Sportif vs 8 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone.
0:24 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Filip Hallander.
0:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
0:25 of 3rd period - Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
0:49 of 3rd period - Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov is over, Yevgeni Svechnikov is back on ice.
0:56 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox is hit by Eric Cornel and loses puck.
1:01 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
1:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
1:02 of 3rd period - James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Ryder Rolston in Joliette Sportif zone.
1:25 of 3rd period - Jason Fram is hit by Filip Ahl and loses puck.
1:40 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Filip Ahl.
1:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
1:56 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Eric Cornel.
1:56 of 3rd period - Deflect By Brett Seney.
1:56 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:56 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
1:57 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in Joliette Sportif zone.
2:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
2:08 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Adam Almqvist.
2:10 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Ronan Seeley.
2:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
2:12 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
2:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
2:18 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
2:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
2:19 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
2:35 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Yegor Korshkov.
2:35 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Filip Hallander.
2:37 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi.
2:37 of 3rd period - Deflect By Chase De Leo.
2:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:37 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
2:38 of 3rd period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
3:05 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
3:05 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:07 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi.
3:07 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:28 of 3rd period - Ronan Seeley is hit by Filip Ahl and loses puck.
3:35 of 3rd period - Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck.
3:44 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts.
3:44 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:50 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
3:50 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Yegor Korshkov.
3:52 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Ronan Seeley.
3:52 of 3rd period - Deflect By Vili Saarijärvi.
3:52 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
3:53 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
4:08 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
4:08 of 3rd period - Deflect By J.T. Compher.
4:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:08 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
4:09 of 3rd period - Christoph Bertschy wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
4:34 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by J.T. Compher.
4:34 of 3rd period - Goal by J.T. Compher - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2.
4:35 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Chase De Leo in neutral zone.
4:38 of 3rd period - Matthew Phillips is hit by Jason Fram and loses puck.
5:04 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Rihards Bukarts for Diving.
5:05 of 3rd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone.
5:28 of 3rd period - Off-side.
5:29 of 3rd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in neutral zone.
5:49 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi.
5:49 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ty Smith.
5:51 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Johnathan MacLeod.
5:51 of 3rd period - Deflect By Jonathan Dahlen.
5:51 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ty Smith.
5:51 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
5:52 of 3rd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone.
6:15 of 3rd period - Jason Fram is hit by James Van Riemsdyk.
6:40 of 3rd period - Off-side.
6:41 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in neutral zone.
7:04 of 3rd period - Penalty to Rihards Bukarts is over, Rihards Bukarts is back on ice.
7:51 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Kreider.
7:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:07 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Eric Cornel.
8:07 of 3rd period - Deflect By Christoph Bertschy.
8:07 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
8:15 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Brett Seney.
8:15 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek.
8:17 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Adam Almqvist.
8:17 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ronan Seeley.
8:19 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Adam Almqvist.
8:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
8:39 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
8:39 of 3rd period - Deflect By Ronan Seeley.
8:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek.
8:39 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
8:40 of 3rd period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:54 of 3rd period - Johnathan MacLeod is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
11:04 of 3rd period - Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk.
11:04 of 3rd period - Goal by James Van Riemsdyk - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 3.
11:05 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone.
11:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Kreider.
11:34 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:04 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Filip Ahl.
12:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
12:15 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by James Van Riemsdyk.
12:15 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jason Fram.
13:01 of 3rd period - Ty Smith is hit by Christoph Bertschy and loses puck.
13:53 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox is hit by Adam Almqvist and loses puck.
14:37 of 3rd period - Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck.
14:56 of 3rd period - Christoph Bertschy is hit by Ryder Rolston and loses puck.
15:03 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Daniel Torgersson.
15:03 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
15:09 of 3rd period - Leon Gawanke is hit by Simon Bourque and loses puck.
15:20 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Andrei Altybarmakyan.
15:20 of 3rd period - Deflect By James Van Riemsdyk.
15:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
15:21 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone.
15:21 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson is hit by Ryan Collins.
15:35 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson.
15:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:37 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jason Fram.
15:37 of 3rd period - Deflect By Alan Quine.
15:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:37 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
15:38 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
15:51 of 3rd period - Jason Fram is hit by Jonathan Dahlen and loses puck.
16:08 of 3rd period - Dennis Gilbert is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck.
16:23 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Kreider.
16:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:49 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
16:49 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
17:40 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
17:40 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Adam Almqvist.
17:42 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts.
17:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:44 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Jason Fram.
17:44 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:46 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
17:46 of 3rd period - Deflect By Adam Almqvist.
17:46 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
17:48 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
17:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
17:56 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
17:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
17:58 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
17:58 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jonathan Dahlen.
18:00 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
18:00 of 3rd period - Deflect By Trevor Cox.
18:00 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:00 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
18:01 of 3rd period - James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
18:20 of 3rd period - Slapshot by James Van Riemsdyk.
18:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
18:21 of 3rd period - James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:30 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
18:30 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Simon Bourque.
18:32 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
18:32 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Johnathan MacLeod.
18:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson.
18:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound.
18:36 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
18:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
18:37 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
18:52 of 3rd period - Jason Fram is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck.
19:11 of 3rd period - Adam Almqvist is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
19:43 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Jason Fram for Tripping.
19:44 of 3rd period - Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
19:45 of 3rd period - Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk.
19:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 1 for Joliette Sportif vs 1 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.
Shots for this period are 13 for Joliette Sportif vs 9 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Overtime #1

0:01 of 1st overtime period - Rihards Bukarts wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone.
0:10 of 1st overtime period - Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts.
0:10 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound.
0:11 of 1st overtime period - Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Rihards Bukarts in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.
0:44 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen.
0:44 of 1st overtime period - Shot Blocked by Dennis Gilbert.
0:46 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Simon Bourque.
0:46 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
0:48 of 1st overtime period - Slapshot by Simon Bourque.
0:48 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:02 of 1st overtime period - Matthew Phillips is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck.
1:09 of 1st overtime period - Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts.
1:09 of 1st overtime period - Goal by Rihards Bukarts - Joliette Sportif : 4 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 3.
Goals for this period are 1 for Joliette Sportif vs 0 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.
Shots for this period are 2 for Joliette Sportif vs 1 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Simon Bourque in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Eric Cornel moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Pass by Christoph Bertschy intercepted by Chris Kreider. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Kreider in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Chris Kreider. Shot Blocked by Simon Bourque. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Dennis Gilbert. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Simon Bourque. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley.

Time : 1. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher. Wrist shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Matthew Phillips. Puck retreived by J.T. Compher. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Simon Bourque is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Jonathan Dahlen. Pass by Jonathan Dahlen intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Wrist shot by Jacob Olofsson. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson is ejected from face-off, Filip Hallander takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alan Quine for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Filip Ahl.

Time : 2. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Andrei Altybarmakyan moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Wrist shot by Filip Ahl. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass by Adam Almqvist intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Pass to Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Jason Fram.

Time : 3. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. J.T. Compher moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Eric Cornel. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Jason Fram in neutral zone. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Brett Seney in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Filip Ahl are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass by Jonathan Dahlen intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Filip Ahl in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.

Time : 4. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Rihards Bukarts is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Ahl for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Brett Seney moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Ryan Collins is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Hallander for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Alan Quine. Snap shot by Alan Quine. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Simon Kubicek. Shot Blocked by Ryan Collins. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Olofsson for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 5. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Chris Kreider. Pass to Ryder Rolston in neutral zone. Ryder Rolston moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Minor Penalty to Filip Ahl for Goalie Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Yegor Korshkov, Eric Cornel are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Ryan Collins are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Yegor Korshkov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Yegor Korshkov is hit by Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Yegor Korshkov, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Ryan Collins is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Cox for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Johnathan MacLeod stole the puck from J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Yegor Korshkov, Eric Cornel are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Ryan Collins. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Slapshot by Jacob Olofsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Leon Gawanke. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Leon Gawanke. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Jacob Olofsson.

Time : 7. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson. Shot Blocked by Johnathan MacLeod. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty to Filip Ahl is over, Filip Ahl is back on ice. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Vili Saarijärvi are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in neutral zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Jason Fram in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Andrei Altybarmakyan moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass to Daniel Torgersson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Daniel Torgersson. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Simon Kubicek in Joliette Sportif zone.

Time : 8. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Jonathan Dahlen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Icing by Ronan Seeley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Filip Ahl loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Adam Almqvist. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Adam Almqvist. Deflect By J.T. Compher. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. James Van Riemsdyk is ejected from face-off, Filip Ahl takes his place. Filip Ahl wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by Andrei Altybarmakyan intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Ronan Seeley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by James Van Riemsdyk. James Van Riemsdyk is hit by Chris Kreider. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Chris Kreider. Chris Kreider moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Chris Kreider moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Brett Seney. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Leon Gawanke stole the puck from Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Brett Seney. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Pass by Christoph Bertschy intercepted by Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Pass by Christoph Bertschy intercepted by Jason Fram in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Puck retreived by Eric Cornel. Eric Cornel is hit by Filip Hallander and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Brett Seney. Pass to Eric Cornel. Eric Cornel moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley.

Time : 10. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Johnathan MacLeod stole the puck from Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ronan Seeley. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Pass to Daniel Torgersson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Chris Kreider. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Slapshot by Daniel Torgersson. Deflect By Ryder Rolston. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Ryder Rolston is ejected from face-off, Daniel Torgersson takes his place. Daniel Torgersson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Andrei Altybarmakyan moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Delaying the game. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips.

Time : 11. Pass to Brett Seney. Snap shot by Brett Seney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Phillips for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Wrist shot by Matthew Phillips. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Filip Hallander is hit by James Van Riemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Filip Hallander. Wrist shot by Filip Hallander. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Filip Hallander. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Eric Cornel is ejected from face-off, Jonathan Dahlen takes his place. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Yegor Korshkov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Yegor Korshkov.

Time : 12. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Eric Cornel. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Simon Kubicek. Pass to Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. James Van Riemsdyk moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by James Van Riemsdyk. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Dennis Gilbert is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Penalty to Ty Smith is over, Ty Smith is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck.

Time : 13. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Cornel for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Ahl in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by Andrei Altybarmakyan intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by Chase De Leo. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Chase De Leo. Chase De Leo moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Chase De Leo. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Ronan Seeley is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Adam Almqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Ryder Rolston in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ryder Rolston. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Eric Cornel. Eric Cornel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Eric Cornel. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Puck retreived by Alan Quine. Alan Quine is hit by Eric Cornel. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson.

Time : 15. Pass to Alan Quine. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Jason Fram in neutral zone. Jason Fram moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Filip Ahl moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Ryder Rolston moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ryder Rolston. Puck retreived by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Andrei Altybarmakyan is hit by Daniel Torgersson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryder Rolston for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Chase De Leo. Dennis Gilbert stole the puck from Chase De Leo. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 16. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Ryan Collins stole the puck from Nick Merkley. Pass to Chase De Leo in neutral zone. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Ty Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Adam Almqvist. Pass by Adam Almqvist intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Matthew Phillips. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Adam Almqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Adam Almqvist. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Slapshot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Jason Fram in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Eric Cornel. Pass to Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Christoph Bertschy moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Leon Gawanke is hit by Christoph Bertschy and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Cornel for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass to Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Deflect By Chase De Leo. Shot Blocked by Ronan Seeley. Puck is out of play. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Minor Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov for Goalie Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Wrist shot by Matthew Phillips. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Jason Fram stole the puck from Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Ryan Collins. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Brett Seney moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Simon Bourque. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 19. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass by Jonathan Dahlen intercepted by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Eric Cornel. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Leon Gawanke.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Joliette Sportif vs 0 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Shots for this period are 8 for Joliette Sportif vs 7 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

2nd period

Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Simon Bourque in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov is over, Yevgeni Svechnikov is back on ice. James Van Riemsdyk moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Backhand shot by James Van Riemsdyk. Shot Blocked by Dennis Gilbert. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Snap shot by Matthew Phillips. Goal by Matthew Phillips - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Simon Bourque in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Yegor Korshkov. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Trevor Cox is hit by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Minor Penalty to Simon Bourque for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Yegor Korshkov, Eric Cornel are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Ryan Collins are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Yegor Korshkov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Ryan Collins.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Filip Hallander and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Wrist shot by Jacob Olofsson. Goal by Jacob Olofsson - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jonathan Dahlen is ejected from face-off, Chase De Leo takes his place. Jacob Olofsson is ejected from face-off, Filip Hallander takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Chase De Leo in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Jonathan Dahlen is ejected from face-off, Matthew Phillips takes his place. Matthew Phillips wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Chase De Leo. Chase De Leo moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Chase De Leo.

Time : 2. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Ronan Seeley stole the puck from Matthew Phillips. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Filip Hallander moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Ronan Seeley stole the puck from Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Ryan Collins is hit by Trevor Cox. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by Andrei Altybarmakyan intercepted by Trevor Cox. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Chris Kreider loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Andrei Altybarmakyan moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 3. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Filip Ahl. Filip Ahl moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Rihards Bukarts stole the puck from Filip Ahl. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass by James Van Riemsdyk intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Andrei Altybarmakyan is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Pass by Christoph Bertschy intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Christoph Bertschy. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Puck retreived by J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Cornel for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Brett Seney. Wrist shot by Brett Seney. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips.

Time : 4. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Chase De Leo. Snap shot by Chase De Leo. Shot Blocked by Ty Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Adam Almqvist. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase De Leo for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Wrist shot by Chase De Leo. Shot Blocked by Ty Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Phillips for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Matthew Phillips. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonathan Dahlen for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Ty Smith is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Ty Smith. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan.

Time : 5. Pass to Filip Ahl. Filip Ahl moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Simon Bourque in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Vili Saarijärvi. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi.

Time : 6. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips moves puck in neutral zone. Matthew Phillips loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Adam Almqvist moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Adam Almqvist intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Icing by Leon Gawanke. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson is ejected from face-off, Filip Hallander takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Leon Gawanke moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod.

Time : 7. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Minor Penalty to Leon Gawanke for High sticking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Slapshot by James Van Riemsdyk. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Seney for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Brett Seney. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Simon Kubicek, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Cox for Joliette Sportif. Trevor Cox moves puck in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Ryan Collins stole the puck from Trevor Cox. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Simon Kubicek. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Brett Seney moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Brett Seney. Goal by Brett Seney - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Ryder Rolston wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Daniel Torgersson. Puck retreived by Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Minor Penalty to Daniel Torgersson for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Simon Bourque. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk.

Time : 9. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Jason Fram. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to Eric Cornel. Eric Cornel moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by Yegor Korshkov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Dennis Gilbert stole the puck from Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Eric Cornel. Wrist shot by Eric Cornel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone.

Time : 10. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Vili Saarijärvi. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. James Van Riemsdyk moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by James Van Riemsdyk. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty to Daniel Torgersson is over, Daniel Torgersson is back on ice. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Ty Smith is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Leon Gawanke moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher is hit by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in Joliette Sportif zone. Backhand shot by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Time : 11. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ronan Seeley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Ryder Rolston. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ronan Seeley. Pass to Daniel Torgersson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Daniel Torgersson. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod is hit by Chris Kreider and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Wrist shot by Daniel Torgersson. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 12. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Ryan Collins. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Rihards Bukarts and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Christoph Bertschy. Pass by Christoph Bertschy intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ty Smith. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Chris Kreider. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Chase De Leo in Joliette Sportif zone.

Time : 13. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Chase De Leo. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Chase De Leo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Simon Kubicek in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Nick Merkley. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Adam Almqvist in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Adam Almqvist. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram.

Time : 14. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass by Daniel Torgersson intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass by Adam Almqvist intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Ryan Collins in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Filip Hallander. Goal by Filip Hallander - Joliette Sportif : 2 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Ronan Seeley stole the puck from Filip Ahl. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ronan Seeley. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Puck retreived by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Yevgeni Svechnikov is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Backhand shot by Ronan Seeley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Simon Kubicek. Deflect By Johnathan MacLeod. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Simon Kubicek. Deflect By J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Christoph Bertschy wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Eric Cornel. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Eric Cornel. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Ronan Seeley is hit by Matthew Phillips and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Nick Merkley. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Simon Bourque in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Filip Ahl moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ronan Seeley. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Eric Cornel. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Simon Kubicek. Puck retreived by Christoph Bertschy. Christoph Bertschy is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Adam Almqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 17. Pass to Chase De Leo. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Chase De Leo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Chris Kreider. Pass to Daniel Torgersson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Daniel Torgersson. Puck retreived by Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Filip Ahl. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 18. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Ty Smith is hit by Johnathan MacLeod and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Johnathan MacLeod for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Eric Cornel. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Dennis Gilbert is hit by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass by Johnathan MacLeod intercepted by J.T. Compher. Minor Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov for Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Filip Hallander.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Filip Hallander. Wrist shot by Filip Hallander. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Andrei Altybarmakyan, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass to Filip Hallander.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Shots for this period are 6 for Joliette Sportif vs 8 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

3rd period

Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney is ejected from face-off, James Van Riemsdyk takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Filip Hallander. Wrist shot by Filip Hallander. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Eric Cornel wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Trevor Cox in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Penalty to Yevgeni Svechnikov is over, Yevgeni Svechnikov is back on ice. Pass by Jonathan Dahlen intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Simon Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Simon Bourque. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox is hit by Eric Cornel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Time : 1. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Ryder Rolston in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by Andrei Altybarmakyan intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by Filip Ahl and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Filip Ahl. Wrist shot by Filip Ahl. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Vili Saarijärvi. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone. Wrist shot by Eric Cornel. Deflect By Brett Seney. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Nick Merkley. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Blocked by Adam Almqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Ronan Seeley. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson is ejected from face-off, Alan Quine takes his place. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Vili Saarijärvi stole the puck from Alan Quine. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Wrist shot by Yegor Korshkov. Shot Blocked by Filip Hallander. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi. Deflect By Chase De Leo. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 3. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Wrist shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by James Van Riemsdyk. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Ronan Seeley is hit by Filip Ahl and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Simon Kubicek moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Simon Kubicek. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Trevor Cox. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Blocked by Yegor Korshkov. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Ronan Seeley. Deflect By Vili Saarijärvi. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Christoph Bertschy in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher.

Time : 4. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Wrist shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Deflect By J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Christoph Bertschy wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Eric Cornel stole the puck from Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Wrist shot by J.T. Compher. Goal by J.T. Compher - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jonathan Dahlen is ejected from face-off, Chase De Leo takes his place. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Chase De Leo in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips is hit by Jason Fram and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matthew Phillips for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass by Jonathan Dahlen intercepted by Jason Fram in neutral zone. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Chase De Leo in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Jason Fram. Pass by Jason Fram intercepted by Chase De Leo. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 5. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Minor Penalty to Rihards Bukarts for Diving. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney is ejected from face-off, James Van Riemsdyk takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Matthew Phillips in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Brett Seney moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Filip Hallander stole the puck from Brett Seney. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Off-side. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Johnathan MacLeod stole the puck from Trevor Cox. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Yegor Korshkov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Vili Saarijärvi. Shot Blocked by Ty Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Johnathan MacLeod for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Wrist shot by Johnathan MacLeod. Deflect By Jonathan Dahlen. Shot Blocked by Ty Smith. Puck is out of play. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone.

Time : 6. James Van Riemsdyk moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Jason Fram stole the puck from James Van Riemsdyk. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Brett Seney. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by James Van Riemsdyk. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Ryan Collins. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Eric Cornel, Yegor Korshkov, Jonathan Dahlen are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jason Fram. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Off-side. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Vili Saarijärvi, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Pass to Eric Cornel in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen.

Time : 7. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Penalty to Rihards Bukarts is over, Rihards Bukarts is back on ice. Pass to Yegor Korshkov. Pass to Eric Cornel. Alan Quine stole the puck from Eric Cornel. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Filip Ahl. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Puck retreived by Daniel Torgersson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Ryder Rolston in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Kreider in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Chris Kreider. Snap shot by Chris Kreider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Vili Saarijärvi intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Johnathan MacLeod in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Johnathan MacLeod. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Ryan Collins. Pass to Eric Cornel. Snap shot by Eric Cornel. Deflect By Christoph Bertschy. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Seney for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Wrist shot by Brett Seney. Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Adam Almqvist. Shot Blocked by Ronan Seeley. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Adam Almqvist. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Christoph Bertschy for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Christoph Bertschy. Pass to Eric Cornel. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Ryder Rolston. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Deflect By Ronan Seeley. Shot Blocked by Simon Kubicek. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Johnathan MacLeod is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 9. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Simon Bourque. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Nick Merkley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Simon Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Simon Bourque. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Simon Bourque. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Simon Bourque. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 10. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Simon Bourque. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Chris Kreider. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Yegor Korshkov stole the puck from Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Brett Seney. Brett Seney moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Ryan Collins in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Ryan Collins stole the puck from Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ronan Seeley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ryan Collins. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Filip Ahl moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan.

Time : 11. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk. Goal by James Van Riemsdyk - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass by Adam Almqvist intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Chris Kreider. Snap shot by Chris Kreider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass by James Van Riemsdyk intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Andrei Altybarmakyan.

Time : 12. Pass to Filip Ahl in neutral zone. Filip Ahl moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Filip Ahl. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone. Wrist shot by James Van Riemsdyk. Shot Blocked by Jason Fram. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass by Andrei Altybarmakyan intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Yegor Korshkov in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Nick Merkley. Andrei Altybarmakyan stole the puck from Nick Merkley. Pass to Yegor Korshkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Yegor Korshkov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Ryan Collins. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by J.T. Compher. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Puck retreived by Ty Smith. Ty Smith is hit by Christoph Bertschy and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Brett Seney. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Simon Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Simon Bourque. Puck retreived by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Chase De Leo. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Chase De Leo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Ryan Collins in neutral zone. Pass by Ryan Collins intercepted by Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox is hit by Adam Almqvist and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Adam Almqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth.

Time : 14. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Vili Saarijärvi in neutral zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass by Filip Ahl intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Jonathan Dahlen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Vili Saarijärvi. Vili Saarijärvi is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vili Saarijärvi for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Matthew Phillips. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Ryder Rolston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ryder Rolston. Puck retreived by Christoph Bertschy. Christoph Bertschy is hit by Ryder Rolston and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Kreider for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 15. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Wrist shot by Daniel Torgersson. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Christoph Bertschy in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Christoph Bertschy. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Leon Gawanke is hit by Simon Bourque and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Cornel for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Snap shot by Andrei Altybarmakyan. Deflect By James Van Riemsdyk. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dennis Gilbert, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus James Van Riemsdyk in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Jacob Olofsson is hit by Ryan Collins. Alan Quine moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Jason Fram. Deflect By Alan Quine. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Chase De Leo. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Chase De Leo in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by Jonathan Dahlen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Johnathan MacLeod for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Chase De Leo. Pass by Chase De Leo intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Eric Cornel, Brett Seney, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Johnathan MacLeod. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brett Seney. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Dennis Gilbert is hit by Brett Seney and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yegor Korshkov for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass by Yegor Korshkov intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Chris Kreider. Chris Kreider moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Chris Kreider. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass to Eric Cornel. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Ryder Rolston, Daniel Torgersson, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Vili Saarijärvi. Pass to Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Simon Kubicek. Pass to Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Chris Kreider. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Ronan Seeley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Daniel Torgersson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Daniel Torgersson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Michal Gut, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Adam Almqvist. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Jonathan Dahlen, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Blocked by Adam Almqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Fram for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Jason Fram. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Deflect By Adam Almqvist. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Blocked by Jonathan Dahlen. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 18. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Deflect By Trevor Cox. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Filip Hallander are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Johnathan MacLeod, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk in neutral zone. James Van Riemsdyk moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Slapshot by James Van Riemsdyk. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Jason Fram are on ice for Joliette Sportif. James Van Riemsdyk wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Shot Blocked by Simon Bourque. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Blocked by Johnathan MacLeod. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Olofsson for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson. Stopped by Justus Annunen with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, J.T. Compher are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ryan Collins, Adam Almqvist are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Adam Almqvist. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Matthew Phillips. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Christoph Bertschy, Eric Cornel, Brett Seney are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Eric Cornel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Eric Cornel. Puck retreived by Jason Fram. Jason Fram is hit by Ryan Collins and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Almqvist for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Eric Cornel.

Time : 19. Pass by Eric Cornel intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Eric Cornel. Pass to Brett Seney. Pass by Brett Seney intercepted by J.T. Compher. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Adam Almqvist. Adam Almqvist is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Collins for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Simon Bourque, Johnathan MacLeod are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Ryan Collins moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Ryan Collins. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - James Van Riemsdyk, Filip Ahl, Andrei Altybarmakyan are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Chris Kreider, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Simon Bourque. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Vili Saarijärvi, Yegor Korshkov are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan in neutral zone. Andrei Altybarmakyan moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Filip Ahl. Pass to Andrei Altybarmakyan. Pass to Filip Ahl. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Filip Ahl. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips, Chase De Leo are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Minor Penalty to Jason Fram for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Seney, Matthew Phillips, James Van Riemsdyk are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Collins, Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Brett Seney wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to James Van Riemsdyk. Snap shot by James Van Riemsdyk. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Simon Bourque. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Brett Seney in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Joliette Sportif vs 1 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Shots for this period are 13 for Joliette Sportif vs 9 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

Overtime #1

Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jonathan Dahlen, Matthew Phillips are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Simon Bourque are on ice for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Rihards Bukarts wins face-off versus Jonathan Dahlen in neutral zone. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Simon Bourque stole the puck from Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Simon Bourque intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts. Stopped by Justus Annunen without a rebound. Jonathan Dahlen wins face-off versus Rihards Bukarts in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Simon Kubicek in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Simon Kubicek. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips in neutral zone. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass to Jonathan Dahlen. Snap shot by Jonathan Dahlen. Shot Blocked by Dennis Gilbert. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Simon Bourque. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Bourque for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Slapshot by Simon Bourque. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jonathan Dahlen for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jonathan Dahlen. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Justus Annunen. Pass to Matthew Phillips. Pass by Matthew Phillips intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Bridgeport Sound Tigers zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Matthew Phillips. Matthew Phillips is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Ty Smith are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts. Goal by Rihards Bukarts - Joliette Sportif : 4 - Bridgeport Sound Tigers : 3. End of Overtime Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Joliette Sportif vs 0 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Shots for this period are 2 for Joliette Sportif vs 1 for Bridgeport Sound Tigers.

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