Day : 5
NSH - 4
DAL - 2
MIL - 5
CHI - 2
WBS - 3
POR - 6
Day : 6
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(0-2-0) - L1
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-0-0) - W2
(0-2-0) - L2
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-2-0) - L2
(1-1-0) - W1
(1-1-0) - L1
(2-0-0) - W2
(2-2-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - L1
(1-1-0) - W1

Charlotte Checkers vs Binghamton Senators

Created - 8 décembre 2024 at 04:51

1 2 3 T
Charlotte Checkers 2 3 3 8
Binghamton Senators 1 2 2 5
1 2 3 T
Charlotte Checkers 9 11 19 39
Binghamton Senators 10 5 14 29

1st period
1. Charlotte Checkers , Guillaume Brisebois 1 (Egor Afanasyev 14, Vincent Trocheck 26) at 0:22
2. Charlotte Checkers , Mathias From 18 (Clark Bishop 14, Joachim Nermark 10) at 5:48
3. Binghamton Senators , Nathan Smith 13 (Tye Felhaber 21, Maxim Groshev 16) at 15:30
Vincent Trocheck (CHA) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 2:19
2nd period
4. Charlotte Checkers , Dmitri Voronkov 22 (Amir Garayev 27) at 4:33
5. Charlotte Checkers , Mathias From 19 (Clark Bishop 15) at 17:55
6. Binghamton Senators , Blake Speers 16 (Brinson Pasichnuk 15, Joseph Garreffa 22) at 18:16
7. Charlotte Checkers , Vincent Trocheck 19 (Nikita Grebyonkin 12, Guillaume Brisebois 4) at 18:42
8. Binghamton Senators , Maxim Groshev 9 (Tye Felhaber 22, Nathan Smith 24) at 19:34 (PP)
Elvis Merzlikins (BNG) for Slashing (Minor) at 9:33 - Jack Bar served the penalty
Jack Bar (BNG) for Roughing (Minor) at 14:27
Andreas Borgman (CHA) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:26
3rd period
9. Binghamton Senators , Connor McClennon 4 (Brendan Gaunce 6, Bogdan Yakimov 9) at 1:17
10. Charlotte Checkers , Josh Bailey 8 (Dmitri Voronkov 17, Johannes Kinnvall 11) at 6:38 (PP)
11. Binghamton Senators , Devin Shore 20 (Blake Speers 22, Joseph Garreffa 23) at 11:16
12. Charlotte Checkers , Egor Afanasyev 22 (Nikita Grebyonkin 13, Guillaume Brisebois 5) at 12:04
13. Charlotte Checkers , Egor Afanasyev 23 (Nikita Grebyonkin 14, Vincent Trocheck 27) at 19:31
Brinson Pasichnuk (BNG) for Tripping (Minor) at 5:31
Jack Bar (BNG) for Holding (Minor) at 7:32
Brinson Pasichnuk (BNG) for Interference (Minor) at 12:29
Jakob Stenqvist (CHA) for Diving (Minor) at 16:30
Brendan Gaunce (BNG) for Tripping (Minor) at 19:43
Goalie Stats
Jack Lafontaine (CHA), 24 saves from 29 shots - (0,828), W, 2-0-0, 60:00 minutes
Anton Krasotkin (BNG), 17 saves from 21 shots - (0,810), L, 0-1-0, 22:05 minutes
Elvis Merzlikins (BNG), 14 saves from 18 shots - (0,778), 37:55 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Egor Afanasyev (CHA)
2 - Guillaume Brisebois (CHA)
3 - Mathias From (CHA)
Referees : Pierre Lambert and François St.Laurent
Linesman : Andrew Smith and Scott Driscoll
Game Note
Anton Krasotkin enters game at 17:55 of 2nd period
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1508 (75,40%) -- Ticket Income $173,420
Level 2 -- Attendance: 928 (92,80%) -- Ticket Income $64,960
Total Attendance: 2436 (81,20%)
Total Ticket Income: $238,380
Total Income: $238,380

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Charlotte Checkers 8398266231 / 6 (17%)157%
Binghamton Senators 52956201291 / 3 (33%)143%

Charlotte Checkers
Player Name
Amir GarayevC0110003015:533:5900:00031% 1600
Andreas BorgmanD0000221318:320:0001:4400% 006
Andrew NielsenD0003012018:340:0002:2200% 000
Artyom MinulinD0000002116:250:0002:4600% 001
Cédric ParéC000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Clark BishopC0222010015:494:0300:0000% 000
Connor DewarC/LW0000020010:390:0000:590100% 130
Dmitri VoronkovC/LW1120021015:533:5900:00050% 202
Egor AfanasyevLW2131045018:355:2010:000100% 120
Greg McKeggC/LW/RW0000002111:480:0003:0700% 000
Guillaume BriseboisD1233005021:235:1600:0000% 000
Jakob StenqvistD0000211115:030:0000:5300% 001
Joachim NermarkC0112010012:540:0000:40056% 920
Johannes KinnvallD0110000020:224:0300:2700% 002
Josh BaileyC/LW/RW1010022019:003:5913:07056% 921
Jujhar KhairaC/LW000004008:410:0000:00080% 510
Mathias FromLW/RW2022015018:435:1610:1900% 000
Nikita GrebyonkinLW/RW0331014018:355:2000:0000% 000
Vincent TrocheckC/RW1231216019:025:2020:00068% 2230
Binghamton Senators
Player Name
Alex CottonD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Blake SpeersC/RW1120005118:212:0300:0000% 030
Bogdan YakimovC011-1011116:310:0007:15050% 1800
Brendan GaunceC/LW011-2211017:540:0002:51033% 610
Brinson PasichnukD011-2433527:193:0714:0600% 002
Cam DineenD0001000423:110:5903:3500% 000
Connor McClennonRW101-100109:010:0000:0000% 010
Devin ShoreC/LW/RW1010014025:102:0316:42142% 2410
Jack BarD000-1400217:520:5900:0000% 010
Jalen ChatfieldD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Jens LöökeLW/RW000-100005:250:0000:0000% 010
Joseph GarreffaLW/RW0220000118:582:0300:2200% 120
Kole LindRW000-100017:240:0001:2800% 020
Mac HollowellD0002000120:563:0700:0000% 001
Mark FriedmanD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Maxim GroshevLW/RW112-1004117:012:0310:0000% 000
Nathan SmithC112-1013017:012:0300:00040% 1530
Nick BlankenburgD000-3010016:260:0005:4400% 020
Nick CicekD000-3001215:050:0005:1310% 002
Tye FelhaberC/LW022-1016117:012:0310:000100% 131

Charlotte Checkers

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Egor AfanasyevVincent TrocheckNikita Grebyonkin0143330%13:46
2Dmitri VoronkovAmir GarayevJosh Bailey0143127%12:22
3Mathias FromJoachim NermarkClark Bishop0142825%11:46
4Connor DewarJujhar KhairaGreg McKegg014819%8:41
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Guillaume BriseboisAndrew Nielsen0413837%17:03
2Johannes KinnvallAndreas Borgman0413534%15:52
3Jakob StenqvistArtyom Minulin0412727%12:43
4Andreas BorgmanJakob Stenqvist02302%0:57
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Egor AfanasyevVincent TrocheckNikita Grebyonkin0056057%5:20
2Dmitri VoronkovAmir GarayevJosh Bailey0054043%3:59
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Guillaume BriseboisMathias From0056057%5:16
2Johannes KinnvallClark Bishop0054043%4:03
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Josh BaileyGreg McKegg1316084%3:26
2Joachim NermarkConnor Dewar1314016%0:40
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Artyom MinulinAndrew Nielsen1406058%2:22
2Jakob StenqvistAndreas Borgman1404042%1:44
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Josh Bailey140600%0:00 Artyom MinulinAndrew Nielsen140600%0:00
2Joachim Nermark140400%0:00 Jakob StenqvistAndreas Borgman140400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Vincent TrocheckMathias From014600%0:00
2Amir GarayevDmitri Voronkov014400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Guillaume BriseboisAndrew Nielsen023600%0:00
2Johannes KinnvallAndreas Borgman032400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Dmitri VoronkovVincent TrocheckMathias FromGuillaume BriseboisAndreas Borgman
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Connor DewarJosh BaileyJoachim NermarkAndrew NielsenAndreas Borgman
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Egor Afanasyev, Mathias From, Dmitri VoronkovJoachim Nermark, Jujhar KhairaMathias From
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Guillaume Brisebois, Andreas Borgman, Jakob StenqvistJakob Stenqvist, Artyom MinulinJakob Stenqvist
Penalty Shots
Greg McKegg, Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Dmitri Voronkov, Amir Garayev
Jack Lafontaine, Mikko Koskinen
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Egor Afanasyev, Josh Bailey, Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Mathias From, Nikita Grebyonkin, Jujhar Khaira, Vincent Trocheck, Connor Dewar, Joachim Nermark
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Guillaume Brisebois, Johannes Kinnvall, Artyom Minulin, Jakob Stenqvist, Andreas Borgman
Ben Mirageas (Healthy), Sami Niku (Healthy), Yegor Zavragin (Healthy), James Reimer (Healthy)

Binghamton Senators

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake Speers0144036%16:40
2Tye FelhaberNathan SmithMaxim Groshev0143033%15:29
3Brendan GaunceBogdan YakimovConnor McClennon0232019%9:01
4Jens LöökeBrendan GaunceKole Lind0321012%5:25
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cam DineenMac Hollowell0323538%17:49
2Brinson PasichnukJack Bar0503536%16:52
3Nick CicekNick Blankenburg0502021%9:52
4Brinson PasichnukCam Dineen050104%2:02
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake Speers0146050%2:03
2Tye FelhaberNathan SmithMaxim Groshev0144050%2:03
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brinson PasichnukMac Hollowell0236076%3:07
2Jack BarCam Dineen0324024%0:59
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Bogdan YakimovDevin Shore0416084%7:51
2Brendan GaunceKole Lind0504016%1:28
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick CicekCam Dineen0505038%3:35
2Brinson PasichnukNick Blankenburg0505062%5:44
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Bogdan Yakimov041600%0:00 Nick CicekCam Dineen050500%0:00
2Devin Shore041400%0:00 Brinson PasichnukNick Blankenburg050500%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Devin ShoreMaxim Groshev023600%0:00
2Nathan SmithJoseph Garreffa023400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brinson PasichnukMac Hollowell032600%0:00
2Jack BarCam Dineen032400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake SpeersBrinson PasichnukMac Hollowell
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Blake SpeersBogdan YakimovDevin ShoreBrinson PasichnukNick Cicek
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Joseph Garreffa, Devin Shore, Nathan SmithTye Felhaber, Devin ShoreBrendan Gaunce
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Brinson Pasichnuk, Nick Cicek, Cam DineenCam Dineen, Brinson PasichnukNick Cicek
Penalty Shots
Bogdan Yakimov, Maxim Groshev, Devin Shore, Connor McClennon, Joseph Garreffa
Elvis Merzlikins, Anton Krasotkin
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Nathan Smith, Blake Speers, Maxim Groshev, Tye Felhaber, Bogdan Yakimov, Connor McClennon, Brendan Gaunce, Kole Lind
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell, Jack Bar, Nick Blankenburg, Cam Dineen
Aarne Talvitie (Healthy), Maxwell Reinhart (Sprained Right Ankle Injury), Alex Geci (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
0:20 of 1st period - Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev.
0:20 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:22 of 1st period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
0:22 of 1st period - Deflect By Joseph Garreffa.
0:22 of 1st period - Goal by Guillaume Brisebois - Charlotte Checkers : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 0.
0:23 of 1st period - Tye Felhaber wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
0:29 of 1st period - Icing by Johannes Kinnvall.
0:30 of 1st period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Charlotte Checkers zone.
1:50 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce is hit by Clark Bishop and loses puck.
2:11 of 1st period - Nick Blankenburg is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck.
2:19 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Vincent Trocheck for Cross-checking.
2:20 of 1st period - Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone.
2:43 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
2:43 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
2:45 of 1st period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
2:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
2:47 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mac Hollowell.
2:47 of 1st period - Deflect By Devin Shore.
2:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:47 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
2:48 of 1st period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Charlotte Checkers zone.
2:51 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tye Felhaber.
2:51 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman.
2:53 of 1st period - Snap shot by Cam Dineen.
2:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:27 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Connor Dewar.
3:27 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:39 of 1st period - Blake Speers is hit by Joachim Nermark and loses puck.
3:46 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Joachim Nermark.
3:46 of 1st period - Deflect By Connor Dewar.
3:46 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:46 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
3:47 of 1st period - Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone.
3:58 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Josh Bailey.
3:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:19 of 1st period - Penalty to Vincent Trocheck is over, Vincent Trocheck is back on ice.
5:13 of 1st period - Jens Lööke is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck.
5:48 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Mathias From.
5:48 of 1st period - Goal by Mathias From - Charlotte Checkers : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 0.
5:49 of 1st period - Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.
6:16 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Amir Garayev.
6:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
6:18 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jakob Stenqvist.
6:18 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Bogdan Yakimov.
6:20 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Guillaume Brisebois.
6:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
6:22 of 1st period - Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen.
6:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
6:23 of 1st period - Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone.
6:24 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Connor Dewar.
6:24 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jack Bar.
6:27 of 1st period - Icing by Brinson Pasichnuk.
6:28 of 1st period - Connor Dewar wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone.
7:06 of 1st period - Snap shot by Blake Speers.
7:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
7:16 of 1st period - Slapshot by Tye Felhaber.
7:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
7:18 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
7:18 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:36 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tye Felhaber.
7:36 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:14 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Bogdan Yakimov.
8:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
8:15 of 1st period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Charlotte Checkers zone.
9:09 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Amir Garayev.
9:09 of 1st period - Deflect By Dmitri Voronkov.
9:09 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:09 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
9:10 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone.
9:27 of 1st period - Devin Shore is hit by Jakob Stenqvist and loses puck.
9:42 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Josh Bailey.
9:42 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
9:44 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Dmitri Voronkov.
9:44 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Blake Speers.
10:06 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Nathan Smith.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:08 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mac Hollowell.
10:08 of 1st period - Deflect By Tye Felhaber.
10:08 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:08 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
10:09 of 1st period - Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone.
10:26 of 1st period - Snap shot by Joachim Nermark.
10:26 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Tye Felhaber.
11:06 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce is hit by Vincent Trocheck and loses puck.
12:32 of 1st period - Nick Cicek is hit by Connor Dewar and loses puck.
13:21 of 1st period - Snap shot by Maxim Groshev.
13:21 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Artyom Minulin.
13:23 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
13:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
13:25 of 1st period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
13:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:35 of 1st period - Snap shot by Maxim Groshev.
13:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
13:37 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
13:37 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:41 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
13:41 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:43 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
13:43 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:50 of 1st period - Icing by Clark Bishop.
13:51 of 1st period - Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone.
13:59 of 1st period - Icing by Jack Bar.
14:00 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
15:18 of 1st period - Slapshot by Tye Felhaber.
15:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
15:20 of 1st period - Slapshot by Maxim Groshev.
15:20 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:30 of 1st period - Slapshot by Nathan Smith.
15:30 of 1st period - Goal by Nathan Smith - Charlotte Checkers : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 1.
15:31 of 1st period - Dmitri Voronkov wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
15:50 of 1st period - Tye Felhaber is hit by Dmitri Voronkov and loses puck.
16:32 of 1st period - Blake Speers is hit by Mathias From and loses puck.
16:42 of 1st period - Off-side.
16:43 of 1st period - Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.
17:08 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Greg McKegg.
17:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
17:09 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Binghamton Senators zone.
17:28 of 1st period - Off-side.
17:29 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
17:44 of 1st period - Snap shot by Amir Garayev.
17:44 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
17:46 of 1st period - Slapshot by Johannes Kinnvall.
17:46 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:48 of 1st period - Slapshot by Andreas Borgman.
17:48 of 1st period - Deflect By Blake Speers.
17:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
17:49 of 1st period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone.
18:14 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev.
18:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
18:15 of 1st period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone.
18:20 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce.
18:20 of 1st period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
19:53 of 1st period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
19:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 2 for Charlotte Checkers vs 1 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 9 for Charlotte Checkers vs 10 for Binghamton Senators.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
0:14 of 2nd period - Off-side.
0:15 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
1:18 of 2nd period - Andreas Borgman is hit by Nathan Smith and loses puck.
2:26 of 2nd period - Greg McKegg is hit by Brendan Gaunce and loses puck.
2:35 of 2nd period - Kole Lind is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck.
2:59 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Blake Speers.
2:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:01 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa.
3:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:30 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Artyom Minulin.
3:30 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nick Blankenburg.
3:30 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
3:31 of 2nd period - Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone.
3:46 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Mathias From.
3:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:48 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Mathias From.
3:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:50 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Joachim Nermark.
3:50 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jack Bar.
3:52 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Mathias From.
3:52 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
3:56 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Clark Bishop.
3:56 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Maxim Groshev.
4:16 of 2nd period - Brinson Pasichnuk is hit by Josh Bailey and loses puck.
4:33 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Dmitri Voronkov.
4:33 of 2nd period - Goal by Dmitri Voronkov - Charlotte Checkers : 3 - Binghamton Senators : 1.
4:34 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
5:10 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Vincent Trocheck.
5:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
5:12 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
5:12 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Joseph Garreffa.
7:05 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
7:05 of 2nd period - Deflect By Joachim Nermark.
7:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:05 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
7:06 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
7:53 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Devin Shore.
7:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
7:54 of 2nd period - Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone.
8:07 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Blake Speers.
8:07 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:09 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa.
8:09 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:25 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jujhar Khaira.
8:25 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:49 of 2nd period - Icing by Brendan Gaunce.
8:50 of 2nd period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone.
9:01 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Jens Lööke.
9:01 of 2nd period - Deflect By Brendan Gaunce.
9:01 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:01 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
9:02 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone.
9:27 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
9:27 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:29 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Artyom Minulin.
9:29 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
9:31 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Jakob Stenqvist.
9:31 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
9:33 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
9:33 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
9:33 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Elvis Merzlikins for Slashing.
9:34 of 2nd period - Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
10:03 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Amir Garayev.
10:03 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:39 of 2nd period - Nick Blankenburg is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck.
11:33 of 2nd period - Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice.
11:41 of 2nd period - Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Nick Blankenburg.
11:47 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
11:47 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
11:59 of 2nd period - Egor Afanasyev is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
12:37 of 2nd period - Mac Hollowell is hit by Andreas Borgman and loses puck.
13:54 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Amir Garayev.
13:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound.
13:55 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone.
14:11 of 2nd period - Icing by Dmitri Voronkov.
14:12 of 2nd period - Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone.
14:27 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Jack Bar for Roughing.
14:28 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
14:53 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev.
14:53 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen.
15:23 of 2nd period - Nick Cicek is hit by Dmitri Voronkov and loses puck.
15:43 of 2nd period - Icing by Johannes Kinnvall.
15:44 of 2nd period - Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Charlotte Checkers zone.
16:11 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
16:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound.
16:25 of 2nd period - Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Bogdan Yakimov and loses puck.
16:27 of 2nd period - Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice.
17:18 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Nathan Smith.
17:18 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
17:20 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nick Blankenburg.
17:20 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jakob Stenqvist.
17:55 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
17:55 of 2nd period - Goal by Mathias From - Charlotte Checkers : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 1.
17:55 of 2nd period - Anton Krasotkin enters game.
17:56 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
18:08 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Joseph Garreffa.
18:08 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:10 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
18:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
18:11 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Charlotte Checkers zone.
18:14 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa.
18:14 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman.
18:16 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
18:16 of 2nd period - Deflect By Blake Speers.
18:16 of 2nd period - Goal by Blake Speers - Charlotte Checkers : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 2.
18:17 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
18:20 of 2nd period - Cam Dineen is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck.
18:40 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
18:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:42 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
18:42 of 2nd period - Goal by Vincent Trocheck - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 2.
18:43 of 2nd period - Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
19:08 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Blake Speers.
19:08 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:20 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Blake Speers.
19:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:26 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Andreas Borgman for Tripping.
19:27 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Charlotte Checkers zone.
19:32 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
19:32 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Greg McKegg.
19:34 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Maxim Groshev.
19:34 of 2nd period - Deflect By Greg McKegg.
19:34 of 2nd period - Goal by Maxim Groshev - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 3.
19:35 of 2nd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
19:42 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev.
19:42 of 2nd period - Deflect By Vincent Trocheck.
19:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 3 for Charlotte Checkers vs 2 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 11 for Charlotte Checkers vs 5 for Binghamton Senators.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
0:09 of 3rd period - Off-side.
0:10 of 3rd period - Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
0:39 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dmitri Voronkov.
0:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:41 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Johannes Kinnvall.
0:41 of 3rd period - Deflect By Dmitri Voronkov.
0:41 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
0:41 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
0:42 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
1:17 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Connor McClennon.
1:17 of 3rd period - Goal by Connor McClennon - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
1:18 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in neutral zone.
1:25 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa.
1:25 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman.
1:45 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Blake Speers.
1:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
1:46 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Charlotte Checkers zone.
2:23 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Joachim Nermark.
2:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:49 of 3rd period - Nick Blankenburg is hit by Nikita Grebyonkin and loses puck.
3:44 of 3rd period - Nick Blankenburg is hit by Josh Bailey and loses puck.
4:02 of 3rd period - Off-side.
4:03 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone.
4:14 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Blake Speers.
4:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
4:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
4:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
4:34 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Greg McKegg.
4:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
5:09 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Joachim Nermark.
5:09 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:31 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk for Tripping.
5:32 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
5:35 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
5:35 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek.
5:37 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
5:37 of 3rd period - Deflect By Vincent Trocheck.
5:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
5:39 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
5:39 of 3rd period - Deflect By Devin Shore.
5:39 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
5:41 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
5:41 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen.
5:43 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev.
5:43 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
5:44 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
6:38 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Josh Bailey.
6:38 of 3rd period - Goal by Josh Bailey - Charlotte Checkers : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
6:39 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
7:07 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber.
7:07 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
7:08 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone.
7:15 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Vincent Trocheck.
7:15 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Kole Lind.
7:17 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
7:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
7:19 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Andrew Nielsen.
7:19 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:21 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Guillaume Brisebois.
7:21 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
7:23 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
7:23 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:25 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
7:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
7:26 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Binghamton Senators zone.
7:32 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Jack Bar for Holding.
7:33 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
9:32 of 3rd period - Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice.
9:45 of 3rd period - Cam Dineen is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck.
9:56 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
9:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
10:02 of 3rd period - Mac Hollowell is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck.
10:21 of 3rd period - Mac Hollowell is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck.
11:14 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Blake Speers.
11:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
11:16 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
11:16 of 3rd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Charlotte Checkers : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 5.
11:17 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone.
11:48 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Josh Bailey.
11:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
11:49 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone.
11:58 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev.
11:58 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:00 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen.
12:00 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nick Blankenburg.
12:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
12:02 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Guillaume Brisebois.
12:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
12:04 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
12:04 of 3rd period - Deflect By Egor Afanasyev.
12:04 of 3rd period - Goal by Egor Afanasyev - Charlotte Checkers : 7 - Binghamton Senators : 5.
12:05 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.
12:14 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev.
12:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
12:15 of 3rd period - Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
12:24 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck.
12:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
12:26 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
12:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
12:27 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone.
12:29 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk for Interference.
12:30 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
13:12 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
13:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
13:14 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Nick Cicek.
13:14 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
13:15 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Dmitri Voronkov in Charlotte Checkers zone.
14:29 of 3rd period - Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk is over, Brinson Pasichnuk is back on ice.
14:37 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
14:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound.
14:38 of 3rd period - Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone.
15:00 of 3rd period - Off-side.
15:01 of 3rd period - Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
15:21 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Greg McKegg.
15:21 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:27 of 3rd period - Blake Speers is hit by Connor Dewar and loses puck.
16:02 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith is hit by Andreas Borgman and loses puck.
16:15 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Tye Felhaber.
16:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
16:21 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber.
16:21 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
16:23 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Tye Felhaber.
16:23 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nathan Smith.
16:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound.
16:25 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber.
16:25 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:27 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jack Bar.
16:27 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nathan Smith.
16:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:27 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
16:28 of 3rd period - Egor Afanasyev wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone.
16:30 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Jakob Stenqvist for Diving.
16:31 of 3rd period - Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone.
16:53 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tye Felhaber.
16:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound.
16:54 of 3rd period - Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone.
17:07 of 3rd period - Devin Shore is hit by Andrew Nielsen.
17:37 of 3rd period - Artyom Minulin is hit by Tye Felhaber and loses puck.
17:46 of 3rd period - Johannes Kinnvall is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
18:08 of 3rd period - Artyom Minulin is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
18:19 of 3rd period - Greg McKegg is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck.
18:30 of 3rd period - Penalty to Jakob Stenqvist is over, Jakob Stenqvist is back on ice.
18:51 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Mathias From.
18:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:53 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen.
18:53 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Mac Hollowell.
18:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Mathias From.
18:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
18:57 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois.
18:57 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
19:15 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nikita Grebyonkin.
19:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound.
19:31 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev.
19:31 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nick Blankenburg.
19:31 of 3rd period - Goal by Egor Afanasyev - Charlotte Checkers : 8 - Binghamton Senators : 5.
19:32 of 3rd period - Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.
19:41 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Joachim Nermark.
19:41 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek.
19:43 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brendan Gaunce for Tripping.
19:44 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone.
19:55 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
19:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:57 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
19:57 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen.
19:59 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mathias From.
19:59 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen.
Goals for this period are 3 for Charlotte Checkers vs 2 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 19 for Charlotte Checkers vs 14 for Binghamton Senators.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Deflect By Joseph Garreffa. Goal by Guillaume Brisebois - Charlotte Checkers : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith is ejected from face-off, Tye Felhaber takes his place. Tye Felhaber wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in Charlotte Checkers zone. Icing by Johannes Kinnvall. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Josh Bailey moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Josh Bailey loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Nathan Smith.

Time : 1. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andreas Borgman. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Puck retreived by Jack Bar. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Connor McClennon in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Bogdan Yakimov moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McClennon. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Connor McClennon. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce is hit by Clark Bishop and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Johannes Kinnvall for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jakob Stenqvist. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Nick Blankenburg is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Minor Penalty to Vincent Trocheck for Cross-checking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Bailey, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Artyom Minulin, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andrew Nielsen. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mac Hollowell. Deflect By Devin Shore. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jakob Stenqvist, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jack Bar, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Snap shot by Tye Felhaber. Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Cam Dineen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber.

Time : 3. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jakob Stenqvist. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Joachim Nermark, Connor Dewar are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Dewar in Binghamton Senators zone. Wrist shot by Connor Dewar. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tye Felhaber for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Blake Speers is hit by Joachim Nermark and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Artyom Minulin, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Wrist shot by Joachim Nermark. Deflect By Connor Dewar. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Bailey, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Josh Bailey. Wrist shot by Josh Bailey. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Bailey for Charlotte Checkers.

Time : 4. Pass by Josh Bailey intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Joseph Garreffa. Puck retreived by Artyom Minulin. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Artyom Minulin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Joachim Nermark, Connor Dewar are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Mac Hollowell. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Artyom Minulin. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Artyom Minulin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty to Vincent Trocheck is over, Vincent Trocheck is back on ice. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Tye Felhaber moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Joachim Nermark. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Artyom Minulin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Puck retreived by Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Egor Afanasyev in Charlotte Checkers zone.

Time : 5. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Nikita Grebyonkin in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Puck retreived by Jens Lööke. Jens Lööke is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Egor Afanasyev for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Jens Lööke in neutral zone. Pass by Jens Lööke intercepted by Egor Afanasyev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Kole Lind. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From. Wrist shot by Mathias From. Goal by Mathias From - Charlotte Checkers : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 0. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Dmitri Voronkov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev.

Time : 6. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Wrist shot by Amir Garayev. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Jakob Stenqvist. Shot Blocked by Bogdan Yakimov. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Guillaume Brisebois. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Backhand shot by Connor Dewar. Shot Blocked by Jack Bar. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Icing by Brinson Pasichnuk. Jujhar Khaira is ejected from face-off, Connor Dewar takes his place. Connor Dewar wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Jujhar Khaira loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Jack Bar. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa.

Time : 7. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Snap shot by Blake Speers. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jack Bar. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Charlotte Checkers zone. Slapshot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Smith for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Snap shot by Tye Felhaber. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jujhar Khaira for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. Puck retreived by Artyom Minulin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Cam Dineen.

Time : 8. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Cam Dineen. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Wrist shot by Bogdan Yakimov. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Nick Cicek stole the puck from Joachim Nermark. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McClennon. Connor McClennon loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Johannes Kinnvall for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Clark Bishop in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Clark Bishop. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Clark Bishop. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek.

Time : 9. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Pass to Josh Bailey in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Amir Garayev. Deflect By Dmitri Voronkov. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Artyom Minulin. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Devin Shore is hit by Jakob Stenqvist and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Josh Bailey for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Wrist shot by Josh Bailey. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmitri Voronkov for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Dmitri Voronkov. Shot Blocked by Blake Speers. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jakob Stenqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk.

Time : 10. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Wrist shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mac Hollowell. Deflect By Tye Felhaber. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Mathias From. Mathias From moves puck in neutral zone. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mathias From intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Snap shot by Joachim Nermark. Shot Blocked by Tye Felhaber. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Tye Felhaber moves puck in neutral zone. Tye Felhaber moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mathias From intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators.

Time : 11. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce is hit by Vincent Trocheck and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nick Blankenburg moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Blankenburg moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Nick Blankenburg loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. Puck retreived by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Blake Speers moves puck in neutral zone. Blake Speers loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Brinson Pasichnuk moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone.

Time : 12. Amir Garayev moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Amir Garayev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Nick Cicek is hit by Connor Dewar and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andreas Borgman for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Greg McKegg for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira.

Time : 13. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Joachim Nermark moves puck in neutral zone. Joachim Nermark loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Tye Felhaber moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Jakob Stenqvist stole the puck from Tye Felhaber. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Charlotte Checkers zone. Snap shot by Maxim Groshev. Shot Blocked by Artyom Minulin. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Snap shot by Maxim Groshev. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Smith for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Mac Hollowell. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Clark Bishop. Icing by Clark Bishop. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Clark Bishop. Clark Bishop moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Clark Bishop. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jack Bar. Icing by Jack Bar.

Time : 14. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Kole Lind moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Johannes Kinnvall stole the puck from Kole Lind. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Kole Lind. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa.

Time : 15. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Joseph Garreffa. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Slapshot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Maxim Groshev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Smith for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Slapshot by Nathan Smith. Goal by Nathan Smith - Charlotte Checkers : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev is ejected from face-off, Dmitri Voronkov takes his place. Dmitri Voronkov wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Josh Bailey moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Tye Felhaber stole the puck from Josh Bailey. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Josh Bailey. Puck retreived by Tye Felhaber. Tye Felhaber is hit by Dmitri Voronkov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Andrew Nielsen in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nathan Smith.

Time : 16. Nathan Smith loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Blake Speers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Blake Speers is hit by Mathias From and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Brinson Pasichnuk stole the puck from Connor Dewar. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Greg McKegg.

Time : 17. Pass to Connor Dewar in neutral zone. Pass by Connor Dewar intercepted by Jack Bar in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Greg McKegg. Wrist shot by Greg McKegg. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev is ejected from face-off, Josh Bailey takes his place. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Johannes Kinnvall intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Off-side. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Blake Speers moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Amir Garayev moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Amir Garayev. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Johannes Kinnvall for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Johannes Kinnvall. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andreas Borgman for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Andreas Borgman. Deflect By Blake Speers. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev.

Time : 18. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in neutral zone. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Mathias From. Pass by Mathias From intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass by Josh Bailey intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Artyom Minulin. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Artyom Minulin stole the puck from Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Artyom Minulin intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Josh Bailey stole the puck from Blake Speers. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikita Grebyonkin for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Nikita Grebyonkin intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 2 for Charlotte Checkers vs 1 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 9 for Charlotte Checkers vs 10 for Binghamton Senators.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Vincent Trocheck loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Andrew Nielsen in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Off-side. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Jack Bar. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Blake Speers in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Pass by Vincent Trocheck intercepted by Jack Bar in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Jack Bar in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Vincent Trocheck. Pass by Vincent Trocheck intercepted by Jack Bar. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jack Bar. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk.

Time : 1. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Clark Bishop in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Clark Bishop. Puck retreived by Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Andreas Borgman is hit by Nathan Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Johannes Kinnvall stole the puck from Tye Felhaber. Pass by Johannes Kinnvall intercepted by Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Andreas Borgman. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Joachim Nermark moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Kole Lind in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind in Charlotte Checkers zone.

Time : 2. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Kole Lind. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Jens Lööke. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Jens Lööke. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Greg McKegg is hit by Brendan Gaunce and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jujhar Khaira for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Connor Dewar in neutral zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Kole Lind. Kole Lind is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Pass by Jujhar Khaira intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Jens Lööke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jens Lööke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Pass to Connor Dewar in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Connor Dewar. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Blake Speers. Blake Speers moves puck in neutral zone. Blake Speers moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Snap shot by Blake Speers. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 3. Free Puck Retrieved by Joseph Garreffa for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jujhar Khaira for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Connor Dewar. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Vincent Trocheck loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Artyom Minulin for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Artyom Minulin. Deflect By Nick Blankenburg. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Mathias From. Pass by Mathias From intercepted by Jack Bar. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From. Wrist shot by Mathias From. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Mathias From. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Joachim Nermark for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Joachim Nermark. Shot Blocked by Jack Bar. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Mathias From. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Clark Bishop for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Clark Bishop. Shot Blocked by Maxim Groshev. Free Puck Retrieved by Artyom Minulin for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From.

Time : 4. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Brinson Pasichnuk is hit by Josh Bailey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Amir Garayev for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Wrist shot by Dmitri Voronkov. Goal by Dmitri Voronkov - Charlotte Checkers : 3 - Binghamton Senators : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Nikita Grebyonkin in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin.

Time : 5. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Wrist shot by Vincent Trocheck. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Shot Blocked by Joseph Garreffa. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Mac Hollowell. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Andrew Nielsen in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Joseph Garreffa. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass by Josh Bailey intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass by Nick Blankenburg intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Dmitri Voronkov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Charlotte Checkers zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McClennon in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Connor McClennon intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Amir Garayev. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Connor McClennon in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Amir Garayev. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Josh Bailey. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in neutral zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Clark Bishop. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Clark Bishop in neutral zone. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 7. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Clark Bishop in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Mathias From. Deflect By Joachim Nermark. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Artyom Minulin in neutral zone. Pass by Artyom Minulin intercepted by Maxim Groshev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist in neutral zone. Jakob Stenqvist moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Artyom Minulin in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass by Nikita Grebyonkin intercepted by Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Nikita Grebyonkin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Nick Cicek. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Snap shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore is ejected from face-off, Joseph Garreffa takes his place. Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Mac Hollowell in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 8. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Wrist shot by Blake Speers. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Joseph Garreffa for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Blake Speers. Pass to Greg McKegg. Greg McKegg moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Jujhar Khaira. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Speers for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Puck retreived by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Icing by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Kole Lind. Kole Lind moves puck in neutral zone. Kole Lind moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Jens Lööke.

Time : 9. Slapshot by Jens Lööke. Deflect By Brendan Gaunce. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Artyom Minulin for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Artyom Minulin. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Jakob Stenqvist. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikita Grebyonkin for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Minor Penalty to Elvis Merzlikins for Slashing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev.

Time : 10. Wrist shot by Amir Garayev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bogdan Yakimov for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Elvis Merzlikins. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Mathias From in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Nick Blankenburg is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Trocheck for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev.

Time : 11. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Nick Blankenburg in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Blankenburg. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass by Josh Bailey intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Amir Garayev. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Pass by Nick Blankenburg intercepted by Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Mathias From. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Andreas Borgman, Jakob Stenqvist are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Mathias From moves puck in neutral zone. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Mathias From. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Nick Blankenburg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Blankenburg. Puck retreived by Egor Afanasyev. Egor Afanasyev is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.

Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Dewar in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Nathan Smith. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Mac Hollowell is hit by Andreas Borgman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andreas Borgman for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Andrew Nielsen. Pass by Andrew Nielsen intercepted by Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Connor Dewar in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Jens Lööke moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Jens Lööke. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jens Lööke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Joachim Nermark moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass to Josh Bailey in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Snap shot by Amir Garayev. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Amir Garayev in Charlotte Checkers zone.

Time : 14. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Jack Bar. Jack Bar moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Dmitri Voronkov stole the puck from Jack Bar. Icing by Dmitri Voronkov. Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Dmitri Voronkov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Josh Bailey. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Josh Bailey. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Joseph Garreffa. Minor Penalty to Jack Bar for Roughing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev. Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass by Vincent Trocheck intercepted by Nick Cicek. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Cicek. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Cicek. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Clark Bishop in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Clark Bishop. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Nick Cicek is hit by Dmitri Voronkov and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Brendan Gaunce loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Nick Blankenburg moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Blankenburg loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Bogdan Yakimov for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Joseph Garreffa are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Icing by Johannes Kinnvall. Amir Garayev is ejected from face-off, Josh Bailey takes his place. Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Amir Garayev moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Puck retreived by Joseph Garreffa. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Joseph Garreffa. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Josh Bailey. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg.

Time : 16. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Mathias From. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Stopped by Elvis Merzlikins with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Joseph Garreffa are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Blankenburg. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Blankenburg. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Bogdan Yakimov and loses puck. Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Mathias From moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Joseph Garreffa. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Connor Dewar. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jujhar Khaira. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass to Jujhar Khaira.

Time : 17. Pass by Jujhar Khaira intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Slapshot by Nathan Smith. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Nick Blankenburg. Shot Blocked by Jakob Stenqvist. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Blankenburg. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Greg McKegg. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Artyom Minulin in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Mathias From. Goal by Mathias From - Charlotte Checkers : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 1. Anton Krasotkin enters game. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Andreas Borgman.

Time : 18. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Jack Bar. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jack Bar. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone. Slapshot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Deflect By Blake Speers. Goal by Blake Speers - Charlotte Checkers : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Egor Afanasyev and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Egor Afanasyev for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Trocheck for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Goal by Vincent Trocheck - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Clark Bishop. Clark Bishop moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers.

Time : 19. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Wrist shot by Blake Speers. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Slapshot by Blake Speers. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Minor Penalty to Andreas Borgman for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Bailey, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Artyom Minulin, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Shot Blocked by Greg McKegg. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Maxim Groshev. Deflect By Greg McKegg. Goal by Maxim Groshev - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone. Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev. Deflect By Vincent Trocheck. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Trocheck for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Charlotte Checkers vs 2 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 11 for Charlotte Checkers vs 5 for Binghamton Senators.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Andreas Borgman in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Off-side. Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Slapshot by Dmitri Voronkov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Johannes Kinnvall for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Johannes Kinnvall. Deflect By Dmitri Voronkov. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Connor McClennon. Connor McClennon moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov.

Time : 1. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Connor McClennon. Wrist shot by Connor McClennon. Goal by Connor McClennon - Charlotte Checkers : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev is ejected from face-off, Josh Bailey takes his place. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone. Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Blocked by Andreas Borgman. Free Puck Retrieved by Dmitri Voronkov for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Jack Bar in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Andreas Borgman. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Jack Bar. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Blake Speers moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Wrist shot by Blake Speers. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Joachim Nermark in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark.

Time : 2. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Snap shot by Joachim Nermark. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Clark Bishop for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Clark Bishop. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Andrew Nielsen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andrew Nielsen. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Nick Blankenburg is hit by Nikita Grebyonkin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin.

Time : 3. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Dmitri Voronkov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Puck retreived by Nick Blankenburg. Nick Blankenburg is hit by Josh Bailey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Amir Garayev for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Amir Garayev. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Nick Cicek. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Jujhar Khaira.

Time : 4. Jujhar Khaira moves puck in neutral zone. Off-side. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Snap shot by Blake Speers. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Connor Dewar. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Pass to Greg McKegg in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg. Wrist shot by Greg McKegg. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Connor Dewar. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Jack Bar. Pass by Jack Bar intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From.

Time : 5. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Snap shot by Joachim Nermark. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Minor Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk for Tripping. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Deflect By Vincent Trocheck. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Mathias From. Deflect By Devin Shore. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen. Free Puck Retrieved by Egor Afanasyev for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Mathias From in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Mathias From intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Mathias From.

Time : 6. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone. Egor Afanasyev moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Egor Afanasyev intercepted by Cam Dineen. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Egor Afanasyev moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Egor Afanasyev. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Nick Blankenburg. Pass by Nick Blankenburg intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Slapshot by Josh Bailey. Goal by Josh Bailey - Charlotte Checkers : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Dmitri Voronkov stole the puck from Tye Felhaber. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Mac Hollowell in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Puck retreived by Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Andreas Borgman stole the puck from Nathan Smith. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in Charlotte Checkers zone.

Time : 7. Pass by Johannes Kinnvall intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Wrist shot by Vincent Trocheck. Shot Blocked by Kole Lind. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikita Grebyonkin for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Andrew Nielsen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Backhand shot by Guillaume Brisebois. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Vincent Trocheck for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikita Grebyonkin for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Brinson Pasichnuk stole the puck from Vincent Trocheck. Minor Penalty to Jack Bar for Holding. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass by Vincent Trocheck intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin.

Time : 8. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Nikita Grebyonkin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass to Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass by Josh Bailey intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Pass by Nick Blankenburg intercepted by Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Johannes Kinnvall. Pass to Egor Afanasyev in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Vincent Trocheck. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brendan Gaunce, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Dmitri Voronkov moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Amir Garayev intercepted by Nick Blankenburg. Penalty to Jack Bar is over, Jack Bar is back on ice. Pass by Nick Blankenburg intercepted by Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Nick Blankenburg in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Amir Garayev. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jujhar Khaira. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Mac Hollowell is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Dewar for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Connor Dewar intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Mac Hollowell is hit by Jujhar Khaira and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Artyom Minulin for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Artyom Minulin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Jens Lööke moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass by Jens Lööke intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass by Jakob Stenqvist intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Jens Lööke. Puck retreived by Jakob Stenqvist. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Mathias From in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Mathias From. Puck retreived by Jack Bar.

Time : 11. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Pass by Andreas Borgman intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Snap shot by Blake Speers. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Charlotte Checkers : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey in neutral zone. Josh Bailey moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Josh Bailey. Wrist shot by Josh Bailey. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Wrist shot by Egor Afanasyev. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers.

Time : 12. Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen. Deflect By Nick Blankenburg. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Backhand shot by Guillaume Brisebois. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nikita Grebyonkin for Charlotte Checkers. Wrist shot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Deflect By Egor Afanasyev. Goal by Egor Afanasyev - Charlotte Checkers : 7 - Binghamton Senators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Vincent Trocheck wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Mac Hollowell stole the puck from Egor Afanasyev. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Andrew Nielsen in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Vincent Trocheck. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Minor Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Mathias From. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Vincent Trocheck moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Nick Cicek stole the puck from Egor Afanasyev.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Cicek. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Nick Cicek. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Amir Garayev is ejected from face-off, Dmitri Voronkov takes his place. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Dmitri Voronkov in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Clark Bishop. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass to Amir Garayev in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass to Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Pass by Dmitri Voronkov intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Amir Garayev. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov in neutral zone. Pass to Josh Bailey. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Josh Bailey. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Brendan Gaunce. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass by Johannes Kinnvall intercepted by Nick Blankenburg in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Blankenburg. Puck retreived by Vincent Trocheck. Pass by Vincent Trocheck intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Cicek. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Nikita Grebyonkin moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Nikita Grebyonkin. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Amir Garayev, Dmitri Voronkov, Josh Bailey are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass by Kole Lind intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Nick Cicek. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nick Cicek. Penalty to Brinson Pasichnuk is over, Brinson Pasichnuk is back on ice. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Amir Garayev in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Mathias From. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Amir Garayev wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Dmitri Voronkov. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dmitri Voronkov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jujhar Khaira, Connor Dewar, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Jack Bar. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Jujhar Khaira in neutral zone. Pass to Greg McKegg.

Time : 15. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jujhar Khaira wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Connor Dewar. Connor Dewar moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Connor Dewar loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Andreas Borgman. Pass to Connor Dewar. Pass to Greg McKegg. Snap shot by Greg McKegg. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Andreas Borgman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Blake Speers is hit by Connor Dewar and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Andreas Borgman. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Joachim Nermark in neutral zone. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joachim Nermark. Pass by Joachim Nermark intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Johannes Kinnvall. Pass by Johannes Kinnvall intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Jack Bar are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Andreas Borgman. Pass to Joachim Nermark in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Joachim Nermark. Puck retreived by Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith is hit by Andreas Borgman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Clark Bishop. Pass by Clark Bishop intercepted by Jack Bar. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Slapshot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Tye Felhaber for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Tye Felhaber. Deflect By Nathan Smith. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Tye Felhaber for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jack Bar for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Jack Bar. Deflect By Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov is ejected from face-off, Brendan Gaunce takes his place. Vincent Trocheck is ejected from face-off, Egor Afanasyev takes his place. Egor Afanasyev wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Minor Penalty to Jakob Stenqvist for Diving. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Bailey, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Artyom Minulin, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Andrew Nielsen. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andrew Nielsen. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Snap shot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Jack Lafontaine without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Josh Bailey wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk.

Time : 17. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Devin Shore is hit by Andrew Nielsen. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Charlotte Checkers zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Puck retreived by Artyom Minulin. Artyom Minulin is hit by Tye Felhaber and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Greg McKegg in neutral zone. Pass by Greg McKegg intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Johannes Kinnvall. Johannes Kinnvall is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Johannes Kinnvall for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Johannes Kinnvall. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Artyom Minulin, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Greg McKegg.

Time : 18. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias From, Connor Dewar are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Nathan Smith. Puck retreived by Artyom Minulin. Artyom Minulin is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor Dewar for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Connor Dewar. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Josh Bailey, Greg McKegg are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Blake Speers. Puck retreived by Greg McKegg. Greg McKegg is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andreas Borgman for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Andreas Borgman. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias From, Connor Dewar are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Anton Krasotkin. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore. Penalty to Jakob Stenqvist is over, Jakob Stenqvist is back on ice. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Mathias From. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Andrew Nielsen are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Connor Dewar in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jakob Stenqvist. Pass to Mathias From. Wrist shot by Mathias From. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Nielsen for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Andrew Nielsen. Shot Blocked by Mac Hollowell. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Snap shot by Mathias From. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Guillaume Brisebois. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Jakob Stenqvist for Charlotte Checkers.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jakob Stenqvist. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Nikita Grebyonkin in neutral zone. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Johannes Kinnvall, Andreas Borgman are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Pass to Vincent Trocheck. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin. Snap shot by Nikita Grebyonkin. Stopped by Anton Krasotkin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Brendan Gaunce, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Nick Blankenburg are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Andreas Borgman. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Pass to Nikita Grebyonkin in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Egor Afanasyev. Snap shot by Egor Afanasyev. Deflect By Nick Blankenburg. Goal by Egor Afanasyev - Charlotte Checkers : 8 - Binghamton Senators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Joachim Nermark, Mathias From, Clark Bishop are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Jakob Stenqvist, Artyom Minulin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Joachim Nermark wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From. Pass to Joachim Nermark in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Joachim Nermark. Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Blankenburg for Binghamton Senators. Minor Penalty to Brendan Gaunce for Tripping. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Vincent Trocheck, Egor Afanasyev, Nikita Grebyonkin are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Mathias From are on ice for Charlotte Checkers. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Devin Shore are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Vincent Trocheck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Charlotte Checkers zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Jack Lafontaine. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Vincent Trocheck in neutral zone. Pass to Mathias From. Mathias From moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by Mathias From. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Mathias From. Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen. Free Puck Retrieved by Mathias From for Charlotte Checkers. Slapshot by Mathias From. Shot Blocked by Cam Dineen.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Charlotte Checkers vs 2 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 19 for Charlotte Checkers vs 14 for Binghamton Senators.