Day : 5
NSH - 4
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CHI - 2
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POR - 6
Day : 6
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(1-1-0) - W1

Joliette Sportif vs Binghamton Senators

Created - 16 janvier 2025 at 04:33

1 2 3 T
Joliette Sportif 0 3 3 6
Binghamton Senators 2 2 4 8
1 2 3 T
Joliette Sportif 3 10 20 33
Binghamton Senators 12 11 8 31

1st period
1. Binghamton Senators , Joseph Garreffa 15 (Blake Speers 31, Devin Shore 33) at 0:12
2. Binghamton Senators , Joseph Garreffa 16 (Devin Shore 34, Blake Speers 32) at 16:02
Chris Kreider (JOL) for Hooking (Minor) at 8:34
Nick Cicek (BNG) for Holding (Minor) at 11:38
Ronan Seeley (JOL) for Interference (Minor) at 16:21
2nd period
3. Joliette Sportif , Nick Merkley 23 (Yevgeni Svechnikov 25, Filip Hallander 21) at 0:54
4. Binghamton Senators , Joseph Garreffa 17 (Blake Speers 33, Devin Shore 35) at 1:49
5. Binghamton Senators , Devin Shore 30 (Joseph Garreffa 34, Blake Speers 34) at 7:55
6. Joliette Sportif , Otto Leskinen 3 (Yevgeni Svechnikov 26, Rihards Bukarts 33) at 15:09 (PP)
7. Joliette Sportif , Leon Gawanke 12 (Alan Quine 23, Jacob Olofsson 24) at 18:02
Otto Leskinen (JOL) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 4:05
Otto Leskinen (JOL) for Cross-checking (Minor) at 8:19
Blake Speers (BNG) for Interference (Minor) at 13:14
Mark Friedman (BNG) for High sticking (Minor) at 19:34
3rd period
8. Joliette Sportif , Yevgeni Svechnikov 26 (Rihards Bukarts 34, Trevor Cox 36) at 0:43 (PP)
9. Joliette Sportif , Trevor Cox 18 (Niklas Hansson 13, Leon Gawanke 15) at 2:20
10. Binghamton Senators , Nathan Smith 16 (Maxim Groshev 22, Tye Felhaber 28) at 2:50
11. Binghamton Senators , Devin Shore 31 (Joseph Garreffa 35) at 4:10
12. Joliette Sportif , Yevgeni Svechnikov 27 (Nick Merkley 26, Ronan Seeley 7) at 7:39
13. Binghamton Senators , Devin Shore 32 (Maxim Groshev 23, Mark Friedman 4) at 11:56
14. Binghamton Senators , Devin Shore 33 (Joseph Garreffa 36, Samuel St-Hilaire) at 16:26
Cam Dineen (BNG) for Interference (Minor) at 10:44
J.T. Compher (JOL) for Tripping (Minor) at 11:28
Mark Friedman (BNG) for Interference (Minor) at 19:06
Goalie Stats
Keith Petruzzelli (JOL), 14 saves from 18 shots - (0,778), 27:55 minutes
Callum Booth (JOL), 9 saves from 13 shots - (0,692), L, 11-9-2, 32:05 minutes
Samuel St-Hilaire (BNG), 27 saves from 33 shots - (0,818), W, 10-8-2, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Devin Shore (BNG)
2 - Joseph Garreffa (BNG)
3 - Blake Speers (BNG)
Referees : Chris Schlenker and Jake Brenk
Linesman : Kilian McNamara and Travis Gawryletz
Game Note
Joseph Garreffa has scored a Hat Trick!
Callum Booth enters game at 7:55 of 2nd period
Devin Shore has scored a Hat Trick!
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1373 (68,65%) -- Ticket Income $157,895
Level 2 -- Attendance: 992 (99,20%) -- Ticket Income $69,440
Total Attendance: 2365 (78,83%)
Total Ticket Income: $227,335
Total Income: $227,335

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Joliette Sportif 633681510162 / 5 (40%)044%
Binghamton Senators 831611110160 / 5 (0%)256%

Joliette Sportif
Player Name
Alan QuineC/LW/RW0111004014:460:0000:560100% 100
Chris KreiderLW/RW0001202015:380:0000:0000% 010
Daniel TorgerssonLW/RW000000004:340:0000:0000% 010
Dennis GilbertD000-3010020:003:1106:0200% 000
Filip HallanderC/LW011-3001118:150:0005:15060% 530
J.T. CompherC/LW000-1244213:282:3800:000100% 230
Jacob OlofssonC0110001020:562:3902:29053% 1500
Leon GawankeD1121011317:372:0204:2800% 002
Michal GutC000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Nick MerkleyC/RW112-3024015:583:2310:00036% 1100
Niklas HanssonD011-1013524:314:3814:0000% 010
Otto LeskinenD101-5411226:593:2912:5000% 012
Rihards BukartsLW/RW022-1003018:154:0122:25050% 200
Ronan SeeleyD0110201016:200:0000:0000% 001
Ryder RolstonC/LW/RW000001004:340:0000:0000% 000
Simon KubicekD0000011016:060:0000:0000% 000
Trevor CoxC/LW112-2025124:393:0725:49033% 2120
Ty SmithD000000000:000:0000:0000% 000
Yevgeni SvechnikovLW/RW224-3022117:244:1110:2600% 240
Binghamton Senators
Player Name
Alex CottonD000-1001113:330:0001:4500% 000
Blake SpeersC/RW0444230217:504:5400:3700% 000
Bogdan YakimovC0000002016:420:0005:50153% 1710
Brendan GaunceC/LW000-100307:260:0000:50067% 311
Brinson PasichnukD0001030224:435:0102:2600% 000
Cam DineenD0003222024:093:3914:1100% 002
Connor McClennonRW000001019:520:0000:0000% 110
Devin ShoreC/LW/RW4375035018:294:5410:00067% 1801
Jens LöökeLW/RW000-101306:360:0000:0000% 010
Joseph GarreffaLW/RW3364004017:274:5400:1300% 110
Kole LindRW000-100006:360:0000:0000% 000
Mac HollowellD0004001119:244:4900:0000% 000
Mark FriedmanD0111401122:563:5102:0200% 002
Maxim GroshevLW/RW0221001018:383:4600:0000% 040
Maxwell ReinhartC/LW/RW0000032116:420:0005:501100% 100
Nathan SmithC1010004017:233:4610:00056% 1610
Nick CicekD0000200216:110:0002:5600% 003
Tye FelhaberC/LW0110002017:233:4600:0000% 200

Joliette Sportif

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1J.T. CompherTrevor CoxRihards Bukarts1223527%11:43
2Filip HallanderNick MerkleyYevgeni Svechnikov1222833%14:08
3Alan QuineJacob OlofssonChris Kreider1222530%13:00
4Daniel TorgerssonTrevor CoxRyder Rolston1221211%4:34
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertOtto Leskinen1222519%8:09
2Leon GawankeNiklas Hansson1222526%11:07
3Ronan SeeleySimon Kubicek1222537%16:06
4Otto LeskinenNiklas Hansson1222519%8:03
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Yevgeni SvechnikovTrevor CoxRihards Bukarts1226060%4:01
2J.T. CompherJacob OlofssonNick Merkley1224040%2:39
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Otto LeskinenNiklas Hansson1226070%4:38
2Leon GawankeDennis Gilbert1224031%2:02
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Filip HallanderTrevor Cox1226072%6:15
2Rihards BukartsJacob Olofsson1224028%2:25
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertNiklas Hansson1226048%4:12
2Leon GawankeOtto Leskinen1224052%4:28
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rihards Bukarts122600%0:00 Dennis GilbertNiklas Hansson122600%0:00
2Trevor Cox122400%0:00 Leon GawankeOtto Leskinen122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Jacob OlofssonTrevor Cox12260100%1:15
2Rihards BukartsJ.T. Compher122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Dennis GilbertNiklas Hansson12260100%60% - 1:15
2Leon GawankeOtto Leskinen122400%40% - 0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Yevgeni SvechnikovTrevor CoxRihards BukartsDennis GilbertOtto Leskinen
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Jacob OlofssonTrevor CoxRihards BukartsDennis GilbertOtto Leskinen
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Chris Kreider, Nick Merkley, Alan QuineRihards Bukarts, Trevor CoxAlan Quine
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Otto Leskinen, Dennis Gilbert, Leon GawankeDennis Gilbert, Dennis GilbertOtto Leskinen
Penalty Shots
Yevgeni Svechnikov, Trevor Cox, Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander
Keith Petruzzelli, Callum Booth
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Chris Kreider, Trevor Cox, Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Nick Merkley, Alan Quine, J.T. Compher, Ryder Rolston
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson, Leon Gawanke, Otto Leskinen, Ronan Seeley
Jakob Ragnarsson (Healthy), Kody Clark (Healthy), Ryan Spooner (Suspend), Jason Fram (Sprained Right Finger Injury), Kevin Lankinen (Healthy)

Binghamton Senators

5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake Speers0143531%13:20
2Tye FelhaberNathan SmithMaxim Groshev0143531%13:37
3Maxwell ReinhartBogdan YakimovConnor McClennon0322023%9:52
4Jens LöökeBrendan GaunceKole Lind0411015%6:36
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Cam DineenMac Hollowell0323534%14:48
2Brinson PasichnukMark Friedman0503536%15:37
3Nick CicekAlex Cotton0502027%11:48
4Brinson PasichnukCam Dineen050103%1:12
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake Speers0146057%4:54
2Tye FelhaberNathan SmithMaxim Groshev0144043%3:46
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brinson PasichnukMac Hollowell0236058%5:01
2Mark FriedmanCam Dineen0324042%3:39
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Bogdan YakimovMaxwell Reinhart0416088%5:50
2Brendan GaunceBlake Speers0504013%0:50
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Nick CicekCam Dineen0505074%4:55
2Brinson PasichnukAlex Cotton0505026%1:45
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Maxwell Reinhart050600%0:00 Nick CicekCam Dineen050500%0:00
2Bogdan Yakimov050400%0:00 Brinson PasichnukAlex Cotton050500%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Devin ShoreMaxim Groshev02360100%1:15
2Nathan SmithJoseph Garreffa023400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Brinson PasichnukMac Hollowell0326063%60% - 0:47
2Mark FriedmanCam Dineen0324037%40% - 0:28
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Joseph GarreffaDevin ShoreBlake SpeersBrinson PasichnukMac Hollowell
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Maxwell ReinhartBogdan YakimovBlake SpeersBrinson PasichnukMark Friedman
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Joseph Garreffa, Devin Shore, Nathan SmithTye Felhaber, Devin ShoreBrendan Gaunce
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Brinson Pasichnuk, Nick Cicek, Cam DineenMac Hollowell, Brinson PasichnukMark Friedman
Penalty Shots
Bogdan Yakimov, Maxim Groshev, Devin Shore, Connor McClennon, Joseph Garreffa
Samuel St-Hilaire, Elvis Merzlikins
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Nathan Smith, Blake Speers, Maxim Groshev, Tye Felhaber, Bogdan Yakimov, Connor McClennon, Brendan Gaunce, Maxwell Reinhart
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell, Cam Dineen, Mark Friedman, Nick Cicek
Nick Blankenburg (Healthy), Jalen Chatfield (Lower Body Injury), Aarne Talvitie (Healthy), Jack Bar (Sprained Right Knee Injury), Alex Geci (Healthy) Anton Krasotkin (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone.
0:12 of 1st period - Slapshot by Joseph Garreffa.
0:12 of 1st period - Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Binghamton Senators : 1.
0:13 of 1st period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone.
0:24 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
0:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
0:37 of 1st period - Off-side.
0:38 of 1st period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone.
1:31 of 1st period - Blake Speers is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
1:38 of 1st period - Slapshot by J.T. Compher.
1:38 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:09 of 1st period - Otto Leskinen is hit by Blake Speers and loses puck.
2:42 of 1st period - Slapshot by Maxim Groshev.
2:42 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
2:52 of 1st period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
2:52 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:08 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Filip Hallander.
3:12 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:12 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson.
3:18 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
3:20 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
3:20 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson.
3:22 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mark Friedman.
3:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
3:24 of 1st period - Slapshot by Mark Friedman.
3:24 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke.
3:26 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:26 of 1st period - Deflect By Jens Lööke.
3:26 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
3:28 of 1st period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
3:28 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke.
3:30 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:30 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
3:32 of 1st period - Snap shot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
3:32 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:34 of 1st period - Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk.
3:34 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:36 of 1st period - Backhand shot by Brendan Gaunce.
3:36 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
4:07 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Maxwell Reinhart.
4:07 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson.
4:09 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Maxwell Reinhart.
4:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound.
4:10 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone.
4:21 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Trevor Cox.
4:21 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
4:22 of 1st period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Joseph Garreffa in Binghamton Senators zone.
4:38 of 1st period - Off-side.
4:39 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
5:32 of 1st period - Cam Dineen is hit by Ryder Rolston and loses puck.
5:59 of 1st period - Daniel Torgersson is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
6:43 of 1st period - Alan Quine is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck.
7:43 of 1st period - Alex Cotton is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck.
8:18 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber.
8:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
8:28 of 1st period - Snap shot by Tye Felhaber.
8:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
8:34 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Chris Kreider for Hooking.
8:35 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone.
9:09 of 1st period - Trevor Cox is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
10:10 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber.
10:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:34 of 1st period - Penalty to Chris Kreider is over, Chris Kreider is back on ice.
11:38 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Nick Cicek for Holding.
11:39 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
11:54 of 1st period - Slapshot by Bogdan Yakimov.
11:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound.
11:55 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone.
12:17 of 1st period - Snap shot by J.T. Compher.
12:17 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:46 of 1st period - Maxwell Reinhart is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck.
13:17 of 1st period - Mark Friedman is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
13:38 of 1st period - Penalty to Nick Cicek is over, Nick Cicek is back on ice.
14:14 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Ryder Rolston.
14:14 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:16 of 1st period - Slapshot by Chris Kreider.
14:16 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
14:18 of 1st period - Slapshot by Ronan Seeley.
14:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
16:02 of 1st period - Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa.
16:02 of 1st period - Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Binghamton Senators : 2.
16:03 of 1st period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone.
16:21 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ronan Seeley for Interference.
16:22 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone.
18:03 of 1st period - Off-side.
18:04 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in neutral zone.
18:21 of 1st period - Penalty to Ronan Seeley is over, Ronan Seeley is back on ice.
19:35 of 1st period - Simon Kubicek is hit by Maxwell Reinhart and loses puck.
19:52 of 1st period - Jacob Olofsson is hit by Maxwell Reinhart and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 12 for Binghamton Senators.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - J.T. Compher wins face-off versus Tye Felhaber in neutral zone.
0:04 of 2nd period - Slapshot by J.T. Compher.
0:04 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
0:26 of 2nd period - Snap shot by J.T. Compher.
0:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
0:27 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone.
0:28 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
0:28 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mac Hollowell.
0:30 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Niklas Hansson.
0:30 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
0:40 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa.
0:40 of 2nd period - Deflect By Devin Shore.
0:40 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:40 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
0:41 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone.
0:54 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
0:54 of 2nd period - Goal by Nick Merkley - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 2.
0:55 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
1:02 of 2nd period - Tye Felhaber is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
1:15 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
1:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
1:17 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Mark Friedman.
1:17 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Otto Leskinen.
1:19 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Mark Friedman.
1:19 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson.
1:21 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Mark Friedman.
1:21 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Trevor Cox.
1:49 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa.
1:49 of 2nd period - Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 3.
1:50 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
2:07 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
2:07 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:30 of 2nd period - Icing by Jacob Olofsson.
3:31 of 2nd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Connor McClennon in Joliette Sportif zone.
3:47 of 2nd period - Alex Cotton is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck.
4:05 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Otto Leskinen for Cross-checking.
4:06 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone.
5:46 of 2nd period - Dennis Gilbert is hit by Blake Speers and loses puck.
6:05 of 2nd period - Penalty to Otto Leskinen is over, Otto Leskinen is back on ice.
6:05 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Nathan Smith.
6:05 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke.
6:40 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Bogdan Yakimov.
6:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound.
6:41 of 2nd period - Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
6:46 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jens Lööke.
6:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:50 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jens Lööke.
6:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound.
6:51 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Joliette Sportif zone.
7:20 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Kole Lind.
7:20 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:40 of 2nd period - Mark Friedman is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck.
7:53 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa.
7:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound.
7:55 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
7:55 of 2nd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
7:55 of 2nd period - Callum Booth enters game.
7:56 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
8:05 of 2nd period - Snap shot by J.T. Compher.
8:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:19 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Otto Leskinen for Cross-checking.
8:20 of 2nd period - Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:57 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Devin Shore.
8:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
8:58 of 2nd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone.
9:09 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Tye Felhaber.
9:09 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:11 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
9:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
9:12 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Rihards Bukarts in Joliette Sportif zone.
9:45 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
9:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
10:19 of 2nd period - Penalty to Otto Leskinen is over, Otto Leskinen is back on ice.
11:33 of 2nd period - Ryder Rolston is hit by Jens Lööke and loses puck.
12:19 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alan Quine.
12:19 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:21 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Ronan Seeley.
12:21 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:55 of 2nd period - Icing by Devin Shore.
12:56 of 2nd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone.
13:14 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Blake Speers for Interference.
13:15 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
13:25 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts.
13:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
13:26 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
13:26 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
13:58 of 2nd period - Cam Dineen is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
14:41 of 2nd period - Jacob Olofsson is hit by Cam Dineen.
15:07 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
15:07 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:09 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Otto Leskinen.
15:09 of 2nd period - Goal by Otto Leskinen - Joliette Sportif : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
15:10 of 2nd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Tye Felhaber in neutral zone.
15:23 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Filip Hallander.
15:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
15:24 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Yevgeni Svechnikov in Binghamton Senators zone.
15:24 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
16:56 of 2nd period - Ronan Seeley is hit by Cam Dineen and loses puck.
17:09 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Jens Lööke.
17:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
17:11 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Kole Lind.
17:11 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:13 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Alex Cotton.
17:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
17:14 of 2nd period - Maxwell Reinhart wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone.
17:46 of 2nd period - Ryder Rolston is hit by Maxwell Reinhart.
18:00 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alan Quine.
18:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
18:02 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
18:02 of 2nd period - Goal by Leon Gawanke - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
18:03 of 2nd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
18:54 of 2nd period - Icing by Otto Leskinen.
18:55 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
19:34 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Mark Friedman for High sticking.
19:35 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
19:40 of 2nd period - Bogdan Yakimov is hit by Otto Leskinen and loses puck.
19:57 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
19:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
19:58 of 2nd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
Goals for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 10 for Joliette Sportif vs 11 for Binghamton Senators.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone.
0:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Trevor Cox.
0:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
0:07 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
0:20 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Maxwell Reinhart.
0:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
0:21 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone.
0:39 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Trevor Cox.
0:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:41 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts.
0:41 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
0:43 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
0:43 of 3rd period - Goal by Yevgeni Svechnikov - Joliette Sportif : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
0:44 of 3rd period - Rihards Bukarts wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
0:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by J.T. Compher.
0:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
0:56 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
0:56 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith is hit by Trevor Cox.
1:04 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nathan Smith.
1:04 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by J.T. Compher.
1:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mac Hollowell.
1:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson.
1:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Cam Dineen.
1:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound.
1:10 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mac Hollowell.
1:10 of 3rd period - Deflect By Otto Leskinen.
1:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
1:11 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone.
1:28 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Jacob Olofsson.
1:28 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:30 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson.
1:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
1:32 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Otto Leskinen.
1:32 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Speers.
1:34 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert.
1:34 of 3rd period - Deflect By Alan Quine.
1:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
1:36 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert.
1:36 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Mark Friedman.
2:04 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
2:04 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:06 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Leon Gawanke.
2:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:08 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Leon Gawanke.
2:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:10 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Niklas Hansson.
2:10 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Speers.
2:12 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
2:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
2:14 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
2:14 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
2:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by J.T. Compher.
2:16 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
2:18 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
2:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:20 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Niklas Hansson.
2:20 of 3rd period - Deflect By Trevor Cox.
2:20 of 3rd period - Goal by Trevor Cox - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 4.
2:21 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
2:50 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nathan Smith.
2:50 of 3rd period - Goal by Nathan Smith - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 5.
2:51 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone.
3:14 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Trevor Cox.
3:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:28 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Rihards Bukarts.
3:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
3:29 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Binghamton Senators zone.
4:00 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Chris Kreider.
4:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
4:02 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Alan Quine.
4:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
4:03 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone.
4:10 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
4:10 of 3rd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 6.
4:11 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone.
4:46 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts.
4:46 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:48 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Niklas Hansson.
4:48 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:33 of 3rd period - Maxwell Reinhart is hit by Leon Gawanke.
7:07 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Rihards Bukarts.
7:07 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:09 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Trevor Cox.
7:09 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Filip Hallander.
7:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek.
7:35 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Ronan Seeley.
7:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:37 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
7:37 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:39 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
7:39 of 3rd period - Deflect By Yevgeni Svechnikov.
7:39 of 3rd period - Goal by Yevgeni Svechnikov - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 6.
7:40 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone.
7:51 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa.
7:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:28 of 3rd period - Icing by Nathan Smith.
8:29 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone.
8:36 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
8:36 of 3rd period - Deflect By Nathan Smith.
8:36 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:36 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
8:37 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone.
8:46 of 3rd period - Otto Leskinen is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.
9:30 of 3rd period - Mark Friedman is hit by Niklas Hansson and loses puck.
9:35 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by J.T. Compher.
9:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:37 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Simon Kubicek.
9:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
10:25 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Alan Quine.
10:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
10:44 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Cam Dineen for Interference.
10:45 of 3rd period - Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
10:52 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Trevor Cox.
10:52 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
11:00 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
11:00 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek.
11:28 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to J.T. Compher for Tripping.
11:29 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone.
11:36 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Devin Shore.
11:36 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
11:38 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
11:38 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:40 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Mark Friedman.
11:40 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Otto Leskinen.
11:54 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Devin Shore.
11:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:56 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Devin Shore.
11:56 of 3rd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 7.
11:57 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone.
12:06 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev.
12:06 of 3rd period - Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound.
12:07 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone.
12:44 of 3rd period - Penalty to Cam Dineen is over, Cam Dineen is back on ice.
12:54 of 3rd period - Dennis Gilbert is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck.
13:28 of 3rd period - Penalty to J.T. Compher is over, J.T. Compher is back on ice.
14:23 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Nick Merkley.
14:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
14:24 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
14:35 of 3rd period - Nick Merkley is hit by Connor McClennon.
14:59 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Bogdan Yakimov.
14:59 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:19 of 3rd period - Nick Cicek is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.
15:47 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Jens Lööke.
15:47 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by J.T. Compher.
16:02 of 3rd period - Leon Gawanke is hit by Blake Speers.
16:26 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Devin Shore.
16:26 of 3rd period - Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 8.
16:27 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone.
16:46 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov.
16:46 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Connor McClennon.
16:48 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Niklas Hansson.
16:48 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
16:49 of 3rd period - Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
18:01 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
18:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
18:11 of 3rd period - Leon Gawanke is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck.
19:06 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Mark Friedman for Interference.
19:07 of 3rd period - J.T. Compher wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
19:12 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Nick Merkley.
19:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound.
19:14 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Nick Merkley.
19:14 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Alex Cotton.
19:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Niklas Hansson.
19:16 of 3rd period - Deflect By Jacob Olofsson.
19:16 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Maxwell Reinhart.
19:16 of 3rd period - Puck is out of play.
19:17 of 3rd period - Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone.
19:30 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by J.T. Compher.
19:30 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk.
19:42 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by J.T. Compher.
19:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:44 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Niklas Hansson.
19:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound.
19:45 of 3rd period - Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone.
Goals for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 4 for Binghamton Senators.
Shots for this period are 20 for Joliette Sportif vs 8 for Binghamton Senators.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Slapshot by Joseph Garreffa. Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Binghamton Senators : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nick Merkley is ejected from face-off, Yevgeni Svechnikov takes his place. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Niklas Hansson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Connor McClennon. Connor McClennon moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson.

Time : 1. Pass to Chris Kreider in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Alex Cotton in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Alex Cotton intercepted by Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Simon Kubicek in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Blake Speers is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Slapshot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Trevor Cox.

Time : 2. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Otto Leskinen is hit by Blake Speers and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Alex Cotton in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Alex Cotton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Slapshot by Maxim Groshev. Shot Blocked by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tye Felhaber for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke.

Time : 3. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Brendan Gaunce moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Brendan Gaunce. Shot Blocked by Filip Hallander. Free Puck Retrieved by Jens Lööke for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Wrist shot by Brendan Gaunce. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mark Friedman. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mark Friedman. Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce. Deflect By Jens Lööke. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Brendan Gaunce. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Brinson Pasichnuk. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Binghamton Senators. Backhand shot by Brendan Gaunce. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass by Niklas Hansson intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Connor McClennon. Connor McClennon loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Connor McClennon for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart.

Time : 4. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Wrist shot by Maxwell Reinhart. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxwell Reinhart for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Maxwell Reinhart. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Wrist shot by Trevor Cox. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore is ejected from face-off, Joseph Garreffa takes his place. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Joseph Garreffa in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Otto Leskinen moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk.

Time : 5. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Maxim Groshev moves puck in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Ryder Rolston and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Trevor Cox. Pass to Ryder Rolston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Ryder Rolston. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Puck retreived by Maxwell Reinhart. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Daniel Torgersson. Daniel Torgersson is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck.

Time : 6. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Alan Quine. Alan Quine is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson.

Time : 7. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Niklas Hansson. Pass by Niklas Hansson intercepted by Kole Lind in neutral zone. Pass by Kole Lind intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Simon Kubicek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass by Kole Lind intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Alex Cotton is hit by Simon Kubicek and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Ronan Seeley. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jens Lööke. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Nathan Smith moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber.

Time : 8. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Snap shot by Tye Felhaber. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Minor Penalty to Chris Kreider for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Filip Hallander is ejected from face-off, Trevor Cox takes his place. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Joseph Garreffa. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Mark Friedman in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Leon Gawanke.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Alan Quine, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Wrist shot by Tye Felhaber. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Cam Dineen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Penalty to Chris Kreider is over, Chris Kreider is back on ice. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Otto Leskinen stole the puck from Bogdan Yakimov.

Time : 11. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Bogdan Yakimov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Kole Lind. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Nick Merkley. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Minor Penalty to Nick Cicek for Holding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Cam Dineen stole the puck from J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Mark Friedman in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Bogdan Yakimov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Slapshot by Bogdan Yakimov. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in neutral zone. J.T. Compher loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators.

Time : 12. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Snap shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Bogdan Yakimov for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Mark Friedman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Nick Merkley, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mark Friedman. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Maxwell Reinhart. Maxwell Reinhart is hit by Dennis Gilbert and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mark Friedman. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. Puck retreived by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Mark Friedman is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Penalty to Nick Cicek is over, Nick Cicek is back on ice. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Binghamton Senators zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Chris Kreider, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Ronan Seeley in neutral zone. Pass to Simon Kubicek. Simon Kubicek moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 14. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Wrist shot by Ryder Rolston. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Kreider for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Chris Kreider. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Ronan Seeley. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Kreider for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Daniel Torgersson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mark Friedman. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Tye Felhaber moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Chris Kreider in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen.

Time : 15. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Tye Felhaber. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Tye Felhaber intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Maxim Groshev. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 16. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa. Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 0 - Binghamton Senators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Jens Lööke moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Ronan Seeley stole the puck from Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Brendan Gaunce in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by Simon Kubicek in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Jens Lööke. Pass by Jens Lööke intercepted by Daniel Torgersson. Minor Penalty to Ronan Seeley for Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Niklas Hansson. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Niklas Hansson. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke.

Time : 18. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Off-side. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Penalty to Ronan Seeley is over, Ronan Seeley is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Tye Felhaber. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass by Jens Lööke intercepted by Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson.

Time : 19. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Mark Friedman. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Otto Leskinen moves puck in neutral zone. Otto Leskinen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxwell Reinhart for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Simon Kubicek is hit by Maxwell Reinhart and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson is hit by Maxwell Reinhart and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 12 for Binghamton Senators.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith is ejected from face-off, Tye Felhaber takes his place. Trevor Cox is ejected from face-off, J.T. Compher takes his place. J.T. Compher wins face-off versus Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to J.T. Compher in Binghamton Senators zone. Slapshot by J.T. Compher. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in neutral zone. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by J.T. Compher. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nick Merkley is ejected from face-off, Filip Hallander takes his place. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Nick Merkley. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Blocked by Mac Hollowell. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Niklas Hansson. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa. Deflect By Devin Shore. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Goal by Nick Merkley - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Puck retreived by Tye Felhaber. Tye Felhaber is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Smith for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Nathan Smith moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mark Friedman. Shot Blocked by Otto Leskinen. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Mark Friedman. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mark Friedman. Shot Blocked by Trevor Cox. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa. Goal by Joseph Garreffa - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa.

Time : 2. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Filip Hallander. Cam Dineen stole the puck from Filip Hallander. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mac Hollowell. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Joseph Garreffa. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Mark Friedman in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Chris Kreider.

Time : 3. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Chris Kreider. Pass by Chris Kreider intercepted by Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Icing by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov is ejected from face-off, Connor McClennon takes his place. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Connor McClennon in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Otto Leskinen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Puck retreived by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Alex Cotton is hit by Trevor Cox and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Nick Cicek moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Cicek moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart.

Time : 4. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Trevor Cox. Minor Penalty to Otto Leskinen for Cross-checking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Blake Speers moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dennis Gilbert. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Joseph Garreffa. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Maxim Groshev.

Time : 5. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mac Hollowell. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass by Niklas Hansson intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Dennis Gilbert is hit by Blake Speers and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen.

Time : 6. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Penalty to Otto Leskinen is over, Otto Leskinen is back on ice. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Nathan Smith. Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Cotton for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Alex Cotton intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Keith Petruzzelli. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Nick Cicek. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Slapshot by Bogdan Yakimov. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Brendan Gaunce wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Jens Lööke. Wrist shot by Jens Lööke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Jens Lööke. Wrist shot by Jens Lööke. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Brendan Gaunce in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce.

Time : 7. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Kole Lind moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Kole Lind. Wrist shot by Kole Lind. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Gaunce for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Brendan Gaunce. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Mark Friedman is hit by Nick Merkley and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Speers for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Wrist shot by Joseph Garreffa. Stopped by Keith Petruzzelli with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 1 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Callum Booth enters game. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts.

Time : 8. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Minor Penalty to Otto Leskinen for Cross-checking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Filip Hallander wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in Joliette Sportif zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dennis Gilbert. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Alan Quine, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Backhand shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Slapshot by Tye Felhaber. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Rihards Bukarts in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Leon Gawanke stole the puck from Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Blake Speers. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dennis Gilbert. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Rihards Bukarts, Jacob Olofsson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Penalty to Otto Leskinen is over, Otto Leskinen is back on ice. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Blake Speers. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Blake Speers. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Connor McClennon in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov.

Time : 11. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Pass to Jens Lööke in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Jens Lööke intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Daniel Torgersson moves puck in neutral zone. Daniel Torgersson moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Brendan Gaunce stole the puck from Daniel Torgersson. Pass to Jens Lööke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jens Lööke. Puck retreived by Ryder Rolston. Ryder Rolston is hit by Jens Lööke and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Jens Lööke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Jens Lööke. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Nick Cicek stole the puck from Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 12. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Simon Kubicek in neutral zone. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Nick Cicek. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Nick Cicek. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Filip Hallander. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Mark Friedman in neutral zone. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Alan Quine. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Ronan Seeley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brinson Pasichnuk for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Nathan Smith moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Maxim Groshev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Nathan Smith. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Icing by Devin Shore. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston.

Time : 13. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Mark Friedman. Minor Penalty to Blake Speers for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Bogdan Yakimov is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Niklas Hansson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass by Bogdan Yakimov intercepted by Nick Merkley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck.

Time : 14. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by J.T. Compher. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Leon Gawanke. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Nick Cicek. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson is hit by Cam Dineen. Pass to Leon Gawanke. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Leon Gawanke moves puck in neutral zone. Leon Gawanke moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Nick Merkley. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Nick Merkley. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Nick Cicek. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brendan Gaunce, Joseph Garreffa are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson.

Time : 15. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Otto Leskinen. Goal by Otto Leskinen - Joliette Sportif : 2 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith is ejected from face-off, Tye Felhaber takes his place. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Wrist shot by Filip Hallander. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Nick Merkley is ejected from face-off, Yevgeni Svechnikov takes his place. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Yevgeni Svechnikov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Nathan Smith is hit by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Maxim Groshev loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Smith for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Tye Felhaber.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Chris Kreider. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Kole Lind in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Kole Lind. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Ronan Seeley is hit by Cam Dineen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators.

Time : 17. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Jens Lööke. Snap shot by Jens Lööke. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kole Lind for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Kole Lind. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Cotton for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Alex Cotton. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov is ejected from face-off, Maxwell Reinhart takes his place. Maxwell Reinhart wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass by Connor McClennon intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Nick Cicek stole the puck from Trevor Cox. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Pass to Connor McClennon. Connor McClennon moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Connor McClennon. Puck retreived by Ryder Rolston. Ryder Rolston is hit by Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 18. Snap shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Goal by Leon Gawanke - Joliette Sportif : 3 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Filip Hallander moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Yevgeni Svechnikov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Nathan Smith. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Icing by Otto Leskinen. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Minor Penalty to Mark Friedman for High sticking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck retreived by Bogdan Yakimov. Bogdan Yakimov is hit by Otto Leskinen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Trevor Cox. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to J.T. Compher.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 2 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 10 for Joliette Sportif vs 11 for Binghamton Senators.

3rd period

PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Slapshot by Trevor Cox. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Backhand shot by Maxwell Reinhart. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Alex Cotton. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Alex Cotton. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Trevor Cox moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Wrist shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Rihards Bukarts. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Yevgeni Svechnikov for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Goal by Yevgeni Svechnikov - Joliette Sportif : 4 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox is ejected from face-off, Rihards Bukarts takes his place. Rihards Bukarts wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Mac Hollowell in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Niklas Hansson in neutral zone. Pass to J.T. Compher in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by J.T. Compher. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Nathan Smith is hit by Trevor Cox. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Snap shot by Nathan Smith. Shot Blocked by J.T. Compher. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mac Hollowell. Shot Blocked by Niklas Hansson. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Snap shot by Cam Dineen. Stopped by Callum Booth with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mac Hollowell. Deflect By Otto Leskinen. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Chris Kreider. Chris Kreider moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Slapshot by Jacob Olofsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Olofsson for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Jacob Olofsson. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Otto Leskinen. Shot Blocked by Blake Speers. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert. Deflect By Alan Quine. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Dennis Gilbert. Shot Blocked by Mark Friedman. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Pass to Otto Leskinen. Otto Leskinen moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 2. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Niklas Hansson. Shot Blocked by Blake Speers. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Cox for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by J.T. Compher for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by J.T. Compher. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Niklas Hansson. Deflect By Trevor Cox. Goal by Trevor Cox - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Wrist shot by Nathan Smith. Goal by Nathan Smith - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Otto Leskinen in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart.

Time : 3. Pass to Connor McClennon. Pass by Connor McClennon intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Snap shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Slapshot by Rihards Bukarts. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Nathan Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk in neutral zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Chris Kreider.

Time : 4. Wrist shot by Chris Kreider. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alan Quine for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 5 - Binghamton Senators : 6. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by J.T. Compher intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Mac Hollowell in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Niklas Hansson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Binghamton Senators zone. Snap shot by Rihards Bukarts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Niklas Hansson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rihards Bukarts for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Nick Merkley.

Time : 5. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Nick Merkley intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Binghamton Senators zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 6. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Maxwell Reinhart. Maxwell Reinhart is hit by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Niklas Hansson in neutral zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Daniel Torgersson. Pass by Daniel Torgersson intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone.

Time : 7. J.T. Compher moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Rihards Bukarts. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Trevor Cox for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Trevor Cox. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass by Kole Lind intercepted by Dennis Gilbert in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Snap shot by Filip Hallander. Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Ronan Seeley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Deflect By Yevgeni Svechnikov. Goal by Yevgeni Svechnikov - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 6. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Blake Speers. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Snap shot by Joseph Garreffa. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Ronan Seeley.

Time : 8. Pass to Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass to Blake Speers. Blake Speers moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass by Joseph Garreffa intercepted by Ronan Seeley. Pass by Ronan Seeley intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Ronan Seeley in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Cam Dineen in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Chris Kreider in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Chris Kreider. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Smith. Icing by Nathan Smith. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Maxim Groshev moves puck in neutral zone. Maxim Groshev moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Deflect By Nathan Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Nathan Smith in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Filip Hallander moves puck in neutral zone. Mark Friedman stole the puck from Filip Hallander. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Otto Leskinen is hit by Brinson Pasichnuk and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Niklas Hansson moves puck in neutral zone. Niklas Hansson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Otto Leskinen moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 9. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Maxim Groshev in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to J.T. Compher in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by J.T. Compher. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Mark Friedman is hit by Niklas Hansson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher. Wrist shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Kubicek for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Simon Kubicek. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ronan Seeley for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif.

Time : 10. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Jacob Olofsson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Gilbert for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Chris Kreider. Chris Kreider loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Otto Leskinen for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Otto Leskinen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Minor Penalty to Cam Dineen for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Brinson Pasichnuk are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Trevor Cox wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Trevor Cox. Wrist shot by Trevor Cox. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Cicek for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Nick Cicek intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 11. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Shot Blocked by Nick Cicek. Free Puck Retrieved by Bogdan Yakimov for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Bogdan Yakimov. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Minor Penalty to J.T. Compher for Tripping. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jacob Olofsson, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Trevor Cox moves puck in neutral zone. Nick Cicek stole the puck from Trevor Cox. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Snap shot by Devin Shore. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Binghamton Senators. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Mark Friedman for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Mark Friedman. Shot Blocked by Otto Leskinen. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxim Groshev for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Devin Shore. Wrist shot by Devin Shore. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 7. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass to Devin Shore in Joliette Sportif zone.

Time : 12. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Wrist shot by Maxim Groshev. Stopped by Callum Booth without a rebound. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jacob Olofsson in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Otto Leskinen stole the puck from Maxim Groshev. Pass by Otto Leskinen intercepted by Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dennis Gilbert. Pass by Dennis Gilbert intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Mark Friedman in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mark Friedman. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Puck retreived by Maxim Groshev. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxim Groshev. Penalty to Cam Dineen is over, Cam Dineen is back on ice. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Dennis Gilbert. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Filip Hallander, Trevor Cox are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Dennis Gilbert. Dennis Gilbert is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Speers for Binghamton Senators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass by Blake Speers intercepted by Otto Leskinen.

Time : 13. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Puck retreived by Brinson Pasichnuk. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Mark Friedman, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Blake Speers in neutral zone. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Joseph Garreffa moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Joseph Garreffa loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Cam Dineen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Filip Hallander. Pass by Filip Hallander intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Tye Felhaber. Pass to Nathan Smith. Penalty to J.T. Compher is over, J.T. Compher is back on ice. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Tye Felhaber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Tye Felhaber. Puck retreived by Trevor Cox. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Filip Hallander. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Nathan Smith. Leon Gawanke stole the puck from Nathan Smith. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Nathan Smith. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Niklas Hansson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Niklas Hansson. Puck retreived by Mark Friedman. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Niklas Hansson in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Pass by Niklas Hansson intercepted by Mark Friedman in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Jacob Olofsson in neutral zone. Pass by Jacob Olofsson intercepted by Mark Friedman in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass by Mark Friedman intercepted by Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Mark Friedman. Pass to Nathan Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Nathan Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Nick Merkley moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Nick Merkley wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass by Yevgeni Svechnikov intercepted by Nick Cicek. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Nick Merkley. Nick Merkley is hit by Connor McClennon. Pass to Filip Hallander in neutral zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Alex Cotton. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in neutral zone. Bogdan Yakimov moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Backhand shot by Bogdan Yakimov. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 15. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Olofsson for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Nick Cicek in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Gaunce, Jens Lööke, Kole Lind are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Kreider, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Ronan Seeley. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Rihards Bukarts moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Puck retreived by Nick Cicek. Nick Cicek is hit by J.T. Compher and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jens Lööke for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jens Lööke moves puck in neutral zone. Jens Lööke moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Jens Lööke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Kole Lind. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass by Brendan Gaunce intercepted by J.T. Compher. Pass to Rihards Bukarts. Pass by Rihards Bukarts intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Gaunce in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Jens Lööke. Pass to Brendan Gaunce. Pass to Jens Lööke. Wrist shot by Jens Lööke. Shot Blocked by J.T. Compher. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Simon Kubicek. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Simon Kubicek. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass by Simon Kubicek intercepted by Mac Hollowell in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Leon Gawanke is hit by Blake Speers. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Blake Speers in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Joseph Garreffa. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Joliette Sportif zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Nick Cicek, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Slapshot by Devin Shore. Goal by Devin Shore - Joliette Sportif : 6 - Binghamton Senators : 8. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by Filip Hallander in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nick Merkley in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Hallander in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov. Snap shot by Yevgeni Svechnikov. Shot Blocked by Connor McClennon. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Backhand shot by Niklas Hansson. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Trevor Cox, Daniel Torgersson, Ryder Rolston are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dennis Gilbert, Otto Leskinen are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nathan Smith, Tye Felhaber, Maxim Groshev are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Cam Dineen, Mac Hollowell are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Nathan Smith wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Maxim Groshev moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Maxim Groshev intercepted by Ryder Rolston in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Pass to Ryder Rolston in Binghamton Senators zone.

Time : 17. Pass by Ryder Rolston intercepted by Mac Hollowell. Pass by Mac Hollowell intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Ryder Rolston. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Maxim Groshev. Maxim Groshev moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass to Tye Felhaber in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Nathan Smith. Pass by Nathan Smith intercepted by Otto Leskinen. Pass to Trevor Cox in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Trevor Cox. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Joseph Garreffa, Blake Speers are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Otto Leskinen. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Devin Shore stole the puck from Yevgeni Svechnikov. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Niklas Hansson. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov in neutral zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Yevgeni Svechnikov loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Yevgeni Svechnikov.

Time : 18. Pass to Nick Merkley. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Niklas Hansson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Jacob Olofsson, Alan Quine, Chris Kreider are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Leon Gawanke is hit by Devin Shore and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Mac Hollowell for Binghamton Senators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Mark Friedman are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Mac Hollowell. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart, Connor McClennon are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Puck retreived by Callum Booth. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Chris Kreider. Pass to Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Ronan Seeley, Simon Kubicek are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Jacob Olofsson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, J.T. Compher, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Pass to Brinson Pasichnuk. Pass by Brinson Pasichnuk intercepted by Trevor Cox. Pass to J.T. Compher. Mark Friedman stole the puck from J.T. Compher. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Maxwell Reinhart moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Maxwell Reinhart intercepted by J.T. Compher. Pass to Rihards Bukarts in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass to Rihards Bukarts.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Binghamton Senators zone by Rihards Bukarts. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Nick Merkley, Filip Hallander, Yevgeni Svechnikov are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Puck retreived by Samuel St-Hilaire. Minor Penalty to Mark Friedman for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Jacob Olofsson, J.T. Compher, Nick Merkley are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Otto Leskinen, Niklas Hansson are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Bogdan Yakimov, Maxwell Reinhart are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Brinson Pasichnuk, Alex Cotton are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Jacob Olofsson is ejected from face-off, J.T. Compher takes his place. J.T. Compher wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Nick Merkley. Wrist shot by Nick Merkley. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nick Merkley for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Nick Merkley. Shot Blocked by Alex Cotton. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Slapshot by Niklas Hansson. Deflect By Jacob Olofsson. Shot Blocked by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is out of play. Jacob Olofsson wins face-off versus Bogdan Yakimov in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Jacob Olofsson. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Wrist shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Blocked by Brinson Pasichnuk. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Pass to Nick Merkley. Pass to J.T. Compher. Wrist shot by J.T. Compher. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Niklas Hansson for Joliette Sportif. Snap shot by Niklas Hansson. Stopped by Samuel St-Hilaire without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Trevor Cox, Yevgeni Svechnikov, Rihards Bukarts are on ice for Joliette Sportif. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Dennis Gilbert are on ice for Joliette Sportif. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Nick Cicek, Cam Dineen are on ice for Binghamton Senators. Bogdan Yakimov wins face-off versus Trevor Cox in Binghamton Senators zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Puck is dumped in Joliette Sportif zone by Maxwell Reinhart. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Trevor Cox. Pass by Trevor Cox intercepted by Nick Cicek in neutral zone. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov in Joliette Sportif zone. Pass to Maxwell Reinhart. Pass to Bogdan Yakimov.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Joliette Sportif vs 4 for Binghamton Senators. Shots for this period are 20 for Joliette Sportif vs 8 for Binghamton Senators.